What’s in a URL?
A URL is a reference to a web resource. A typical URL looks something like this:
While a combination of the protocol and the hostname direct us to a certain website, it’s the pathname that references a specific resource on that site. Another way to think about it: the pathname references a specific location in our application.
For example, consider a URL for some music website:
This location refers to a specific album by an artist. The URL contains identifiers for both the artist and album desired:
We can think of the URL as being an external keeper of state, in this case the album the user is viewing. By storing pieces of app state up at the level of the browser’s location, we can enable users to bookmark the link, refresh the page, and share it with others.
In a traditional web application with minimal JavaScript, the request flow for this page might look like this:
- Browser makes a request to the server for this page.
- The server uses the identifiers in the URL to retrieve data about the artist and the album from its database.
- The server populates a template with this data.
- The server returns this populated HTML document along with any other assets like CSS and images.
- The browser renders these assets.
When using a rich JavaScript framework like React, we want React to generate the page. So an evolution of that request flow using React might look like this:
- Browser makes a request to the server for this page.
- The server doesn’t care about the pathname. Instead, it just returns a standard index.html that includes the React app and any static assets.
- The React app mounts.
- The React app extracts the identifiers from the URL and uses these identifiers to make an API call to fetch the data for the artist and the album. It might make this call to the same server.
- The React app renders the page using data it received from the API call.
Projects elsewhere in the book have mirrored this second request flow. One example is the timers app in “Components & Servers.” The same server.js served both the static assets (the React app) and an API that fed that React app data.
This initial request flow for React is slightly more inefficient than the first. Instead of one round-trip from the browser to the server, there will be two or more: One to fetch the React app and then however many API calls the React app has to make to get all the data it needs to render the page.
However, the gains come after the initial page load. The user experience of our timers app with React is much better than it would be without. Without JavaScript, each time the user wanted to stop, start, or edit a timer, their browser would have to fetch a brand new page from the server. This adds noticeable delay and an unpleasant “blink” between page loads.
Single-page applications (SPAs) are web apps that load once and then dynamically update elements on the page using JavaScript. Every React app we’ve built so far has been a type of SPA.
So we’ve seen how to use React to make interface elements on a page fluid and dynamic. But other apps in the book have had only a single location. For instance, the product voting app had a single view: the list of products to vote on. What if we wanted to add a different page, like a product view page at the location /products/:productId? This page would use a completely different set of components.
Back to our music website example, imagine the user is looking at the React-powered album view page. They then click on an “Account” button at the top right of the app to view their account information. A request flow to support this might look like:
- User clicks on the “Account” button which is a link to /account.
- Browser makes a request to /account.
- The server, again, doesn’t care about the pathname. Again, it returns the same index.html that includes the full React app and static assets.
- The React app mounts. It checks the URL and sees that the user is looking at the /accounts page.
- The top-level React component, say App, might have a switch for what component to render based on the URL. Before, it was rendering AlbumView. But now it renders AccountView.
- The React app renders and populates itself with an API request to the server (say /api/account).
This approach works and we can see examples of it across the web. But for many types of applications, there’s a more efficient approach.
When the user clicks on the “Account” button, we could prevent the browser from fetching the next page from /account. Instead, we could instruct the React app to switch out the AlbumView component for the AccountView component. In full, that flow would look like this:
- User visits
- The server delivers the standard index.html that includes the React app and assets.
- The React app mounts and populates itself by making an API call to the server.
- User clicks on the “Account” button.
- The React app captures this click event. React updates the URL to and re-renders.
- When the React app re-renders, it checks the URL. It sees the user is viewing /account and it swaps in the AccountView component.
- The React app makes an API call to populate the AccountView component.
When the user clicks on the “Account” button, the browser already contains the full React app. There’s no need to have the browser make a new request to fetch the same app again from the server and re-mount it. The React app just needs to update the URL and then re-render itself with a new component-tree (AccountView).
This is the idea of a JavaScript router. As we’ll see first hand, routing involves two primary pieces of functionality: (1) Modifying the location of the app (the URL) and (2) determining what React components to render at a given location.
There are many routing libraries for React, but the community’s clear favorite is React Router. React Router gives us a wonderful foundation for building rich applications that have hundreds or thousands of React components across many different views and URLs.
React Router’s core components
For modifying the location of an app, we use links and redirects. In React Router, links and redirects are managed by two React components, Link and Redirect.
For determining what to render at a given location, we also use two React Router components, Route and Switch.
To best understand React Router, we’ll start out by building basic versions of React Router’s core components. In doing so, we’ll get a feel for what routing looks like in a component-driven paradigm.
We’ll then swap out our components for those provided by the react-router library. We’ll explore a few more components and features of the library.
In the second half of the chapter, we’ll see React Router at work in a slightly larger application. The app we build will have multiple pages with dynamic URLs. The app will communicate with a server that is protected by an API token. We’ll explore a strategy for handling logging and logging out inside a React Router app.
React Router v4
The latest version of React Router, v4, is a major shift from its predecessors. The authors of React Router state that the most compelling aspect of this version of the library is that it’s “just React.”
We agree. And while v4 was just released at the time of writing, we find its paradigm so compelling that we wanted to ensure we covered v4 as opposed to v3 here in the book. We believe v4 will be rapidly adopted by the community.
Because v4 is so new, it’s possible the next few months will see some changes. But the essence of v4 is settled, and this chapter focuses on those core concepts.
Building the components of react-router
The completed app
All the example code for this chapter is inside the folder routing in the code download. We’ll start off with the basics app:
$ cd routing/basics
Taking a look inside this directory, we see that this app is powered by create-reactapp:
$ ls
If you need a refresher on create-react-app, refer to the chapter “Using Webpack with create-react-app.”
Our React app lives inside src/:
$ ls src
complete/ contains the completed version of App.js. The folder also contains each iteration of App.js that we build up throughout this section.
Install the npm packages:
$ npm i
At the moment, index.js is loading index-complete.js. index-complete.js uses SelectableApp to give us the ability to toggle between the app’s various iterations. SelectableApp is just for demo purposes.
If we boot the app, we’ll see the completed version:
$ npm start
The app consists of three links. Clicking on a link displays a blurb about the selected
body of water below the application:
Notice that clicking on a link changes the location of the app. Clicking on the link /atlantic updates the URL to /atlantic. Importantly, the browser does not make a request when we click on a link. The blurb about the Atlantic Ocean appears and the browser’s URL bar updates to /atlantic instantly.
Clicking on the link /black-sea displays a countdown. When the countdown finishes, the app redirects the browser to /.
The routing in this app is powered by the react-router library. We’ll build a version of the app ourselves by constructing our own React Router components.
We’ll be working inside the file App.js throughout this section.
Building Route
We’ll start off by building React Router’s Route component. We’ll see what it does shortly.
Let’s open the file src/App.js. Inside is a skeletal version of App. Below the import statement for React, we define a simple App component with two <a> tag links:
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
className='ui text container'
<h2 className='ui dividing header'>
Which body of water?
<a href='/atlantic'>
<a href='/pacific'>
<hr />
{/* We'll insert the Route components here */}
We have two regular HTML anchor tags pointing to the paths /atlantic and /pacific.
Below App are two stateless functional components:
const Atlantic = () => (
<h3>Atlantic Ocean</h3>
The Atlantic Ocean covers approximately 1/5th of the surface of the earth.
const Pacific = () => (
<h3>Pacific Ocean</h3>
Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer, named the ocean'mar pacifico' in 1521, which means peaceful sea.
These components render some facts about the two oceans. Eventually, we want to render these components inside App. We want to have App render Atlantic when the browser’s location is /atlantic and Pacific when the location is /pacific.
Recall that index.js is currently deferring to index-complete.js to load the completed version of the app to the DOM. Before we can take a look at the app so far, we need to ensure index.js mounts the App component we’re working on here in ./App.js instead.
Open up index.js. First, comment out the line that imports index-complete:
// [STEP 1] Comment out this line:
// import "./index-complete";
As in other create-react-app apps, the mounting of the React app to the DOM will take place here in index.js. Let’s un-comment the line that mounts App:
// [STEP 2] Un-comment this line:
ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById("root"));
From the root of the project’s folder, we can boot the app with the start command:
$ npm start
We see the two links rendered on the page. We can click on them and note the browser makes a page request. The URL bar is updated but nothing in the app changes:
We see neither Atlantic nor Pacific rendered, which makes sense because we haven’t yet included them in App. Despite this, it’s interesting that at the moment our app doesn’t care about the state of the pathname. No matter what path the browser requests from our server, the server will return the same index.html with the same exact JavaScript bundle.
This is a desirable foundation. We want our browser to load React in the same way in each location and defer to React on what to do at each location.
Let’s have our app render the appropriate component, Atlantic or Pacific, based on the location of the app (/atlantic or /pacific). To implement this behavior, we’ll write and use a Route component.
In React Router, Route is a component that determines whether or not to render a specified component based on the app’s location. We’ll need to supply Route with two arguments as props:
- The path to match against the location
- The component to render when the location matches path
Let’s look at how we might use this component before we write it. In the render() function of our App component, we’ll use Route like so:
<a href='/atlantic'>
<a href='/pacific'>
<hr />
<Route path='/atlantic' component={Atlantic} />
<Route path='/pacific' component={Pacific} />
Route, like everything else in React Router, is a component. The supplied path prop is matched against the browser’s location. If it matches, Route will return the component. If not, Route will return null, rendering nothing.
At the top of the file above App, let’s write the Route component as a stateless function. We’ll take a look at the code then break it down:
import React from 'react';
const Route = ({ path, component }) => {
const pathname = window.location.pathname;
if (pathname.match(path)) {
return (
} else {
return null;
class App extends React.Component {
We use the ES6 destructuring syntax to extract our two props, path and component, from the arguments:
const Route = ({ path, component }) => {
Next, we instantiate the pathname variable:
const pathname = window.location.pathname;
Inside a browser environment, window.location is a special object containing the properties of the browser’s current location. We grab the pathname from this object which is the path of the URL.
Last, if the path supplied to Route matches the pathname, we return the component. Otherwise, we return null:
if (pathname.match(path)) {
return (
} else {
return null;
While the Route that ships with React Router is more complex, this is the component’s heart. The component matches path against the app’s location to determine whether or not the specified component should be rendered.
Let’s take a look at the app at this stage.
You can also render components passed as props like this:
const Route = ({ pattern, component: Component }) => {
const pathname = window.location.pathname;
if (pathname.match(pattern)) {
return (
<Component />
It’s imperative when you do this that the component name is capitalized, which is why we extract the component as Component in the arguments. But when a component class is a dynamic variable as it is here, oftentimes React developers prefer to just use React.createElement() as opposed to JSX.
Try it out
Save App.js. Ensure the Webpack development server is running if it isn’t already:
$ npm start
Head to the browser and visit the app. Notice that we’re now rendering the appropriate component when we visit each location:
Our app is responding to some external state, the location of the browser. Each Route determines whether its component should be displayed based on the app’s location. Note that when the browser visits /, neither component matches. The space both Route components occupy is left empty.
When we click on a link, we see that the browser is doing a full page load:
By default, our browser makes a fresh request to the Webpack development server every time we click a link. The server returns the index.html and our browser needs to perform the work of mounting the React app again.
As highlighted in the intro, this cycle is unnecessary. When switching between /pacific and /atlantic, there’s no need to involve the server. Our client app already has all the components loaded and ready to go. We just need to swap in the Atlantic component for the Pacific one when clicking on the /atlantic link.
What we’d like clicking the links to do is change the location of the browser without making a web request. With the location updated, we can re-render our React app and rely on Route to appropriately determine which components to render.
To do so, we’ll build our own version of another component that ships with React Router.
Building Link
In web interfaces, we use HTML <a> tags to create links. What we want here is a special type of <a> tag. When the user clicks on this tag, we’ll want the browser to skip its default routine of making a web request to fetch the next page. Instead, we just want to manually update the browser’s location.
Most browsers supply an API for managing the history of the current session, window.history. We encourage trying it out in a JavaScript console inside the browser. It has methods like history.back() and history.forward() that allow you to navigate the history stack. Of immediate interest, it has a method history.pushState() which allows you to navigate the browser to a desired location.
For more info on the history API, check out the docs on MDN⁷⁸.
The history API received some updates with HTML5. To maximize compatibility across browsers, react-router interfaces with this API using a library called History.js. This history package is already included in this project’s package.json:
"history": "4.3.0",
Let’s update our App.js file and import the createBrowserHistory function from the history library. We’ll use this function to create an object, called history, which we’ll use to interact with the browser’s history API:
import React from 'react';
import createHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory';
const history = createHistory();
const Route = ({ path, component }) => {
Let’s compose a Link component that produces an <a> tag with a special onClick binding. When the user clicks on the Link component, we’ll want to prevent the browser from making a request. Instead, we’ll use the history API to update the browser’s location.
Just like we did with the Route component, let’s see how we’ll use this component before we implement it. Inside of the render() function of our App component, let’s replace the <a> tags with our upcoming Link component. Rather than using the href attribute, we’ll specify the desired location of the link with the to prop:
<Link to='/atlantic'>
<Link to='/pacific'>
Our Link component will be a stateless function that renders an <a> tag with an onClick handler attribute. Let’s see the component in its entirety and then walk through it:
const Link = ({ to, children }) => (
onClick={(e) => {
class App extends React.Component {
Stepping through this:
The onClick handler for the <a> tag first calls preventDefault() on the event object. Recall that the first argument passed to an onClick handler is always the event object. Calling preventDefault() prevents the browser from making a web request for the new location.
Using the history.push() API, we’re “pushing” the new location onto the browser’s history stack. Doing so will update the location of the app. This will be reflected in the URL bar.
We set the href attribute on the <a> tag to the value of the to prop.
When a user clicks a traditional <a> tag, the browser uses href to determine the next location to visit. As we’re changing the location manually in our onClick handler, the href isn’t strictly necessary. However, we should always set it anyway. It enables a user to hover over our links and see where they lead or open up links in new tabs:
Inside of the <a> tag we render the prop children. As covered in the chapter “Advanced Component Configuration,” the children prop is a special prop. It is a reference to all React elements contained inside of our Link component. This is the text or HTML that we’re turning into a link. In our case, this will be either /atlantic
or /pacific
With our app using our Link component instead of vanilla <a> tags, we’re modifying the location of the browser without performing a web request whenever the user clicks on one of our links.
If we save and run the app now, we’ll see that the functionality isn’t quite working as we expect. We can click on the links and the URL bar will update with the new location without refreshing the page, yet our app does not respond to the change:
While Link is updating the location of the browser, our React app is not alerted of the change. We’ll need to trigger our React app to re-render whenever the location changes.
The history object provides a listen() function which we can use here. We can pass listen() a function that it will invoke every time the history stack is modified. We can set up the listen() handler inside of componentDidMount(), subscribing to history with a function that calls forceUpdate():
class App extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
history.listen(() => this.forceUpdate());
render() {
When the browser’s location changes, this listening function will be invoked, rerendering App. Our Route components will then re-render, matching against the latest URL.
Try it out
Let’s save our updated App.js and visit the app in the browser. Notice that the browser doesn’t perform any full page loads as we navigate between the two routes /pacific and /atlantic!
Even with the tiny size of our app we can enjoy a noticeable performance improvement. Avoiding a full page load saves hundreds of milliseconds and prevents our app from “blinking” during the page change. Given this is a superior user experience now, it’s easy to imagine how these benefits scale as the size and complexity of our app does.
Between the Link and Route components, we’re getting an understanding of how we can use a component-driven routing paradigm to make updates to the browser’s location and have our app respond to this state change.
We still have two more components to cover: Redirect and Switch. These will give us even more control over the routing in our app.
Before building these components, however, we’ll build a basic version of React Router’s Router component. react-router supplies a Router component which is the top-most component in every react-router app. As we’ll see, it’s responsible for triggering re-renders whenever the location changes. It also supplies all of React Router’s other components with APIs they can use to both read and modify the browser’s location.
Building Router
Our basic version of Router should do two things:
- Supply its children with context for both location and history
- Re-render the app whenever the history changes
Regarding the first requirement, at the moment our Route and Link components are using two external APIs directly. Route uses window.location to read the location and Link uses history to modify the location. Redirect will need to access the same APIs. The Router supplied by react-router makes these APIs available to child components via context. This is a cleaner pattern and means you can easily inject your own location or history object into your app for testing purposes.
If you need a refresher on context, we cover this React feature in the chapter “Advanced Component Configuration.”
Regarding the second requirement, right now App subscribes to history in componentDidMount(). We’ll move this responsibility up to Router, which will be our app’s top-most component.
Let’s use Router inside App before building it. Because we will no longer need to use componentDidMount() in App, we can turn the component into a stateless function.
At the top of App, we’ll convert the component to a function, remove componentDidMount(), and add the opening tag for <Router> :
const App = () => (
className='ui text container'
And close both off at the bottom:
<Route path='/atlantic' component={Atlantic} />
<Route path='/pacific' component={Pacific} />
We’ll declare Router above App. Let’s see what it looks like in full before walking through the component:
class Router extends React.Component {
static childContextTypes = {
history: PropTypes.object,
location: PropTypes.object,
constructor(props) {
this.history = createHistory();
this.history.listen(() => this.forceUpdate());
getChildContext() {
return {
history: this.history,
location: window.location,
render() {
return this.props.children;
Subscribing to history
Inside of the constructor for our new Router component, we initialize this.history. We then subscribe to changes, which is the same thing we did inside the App component:
constructor(props) {
this.history = createHistory();
this.history.listen(() => this.forceUpdate());
Exposing context
As we mentioned earlier, we want Router to expose two properties to its child components. We can use the context feature of React components. Let’s add the two properties we want to pass down, history and location, to the child context.
In order to expose context to children, we must specify the type of each context. We do that by defining childContextTypes.
First, we import the prop-types package at the top of the file:
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
Then we can define childContextTypes:
class Router extends React.Component {
static childContextTypes = {
history: PropTypes.object,
location: PropTypes.object,
JavaScript classes: static
The line defining childContextTypes inside the class is identical to doing this below
the class definition:
Router.childContextTypes = {
history: PropTypes.object,
location: PropTypes.object,
This keyword allows us to define a property on the class Router itself as opposed to instances of Router.
Then, in getChildContext(), we return the context object:
getChildContext() {
return {
history: this.history,
location: window.location,
Finally, we render the children wrapped by our new Router component in the render() function:
render() {
return this.props.children;
Because we’re initializing history inside of Router, we can remove the declaration that we had at the top of the file:
import React from 'react';
import createHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory';
const history = createHistory();
Since we now have a Router component that is passing the history and location in the context, we can update our Route and Link components to use these variables from our context.
Let’s first tackle the Route component. The second argument passed to a stateless functional component is the context object. Rather than using the location on window.location, we’ll grab location from that context object in the arguments of the component:
const Route = ({ path, component }, { location }) => {
const pathname = location.pathname;
if (pathname.match(path)) {
return (
} else {
return null;
Route.contextTypes = {
location: PropTypes.object,
Below Route, we set the property contextTypes. Remember, to receive context a component must white-list which parts of the context it should receive.
Let’s also update our Link component in a similar manner. Link can use the history property from the context object:
const Link = ({ to, children }, { history }) => (
onClick={(e) => {
Link.contextTypes = {
history: PropTypes.object,
Our app is now wrapped in a Router component. While it lacks lots of the features provided by the actual Router supplied by react-router, it gives us an idea of how the Router component works: It supplies location-management APIs to child components and forces the app to re-render when the location changes.
Let’s save our updated App.js and head to the app in our browser. We see that everything is working exactly as before.
With our Router in place, we can now roll our own Redirect component that uses history from context to manipulate the browser’s location.
Building Redirect
The Redirect component is a cousin of Link. Whereas Link produces a link that the user can click on to modify the location, Redirect will immediately modify the location whenever it is rendered.
Like Link, we’ll expect this component to be supplied with a to prop. And, like Link, we’ll grab history from context and use that object to modify the browser’s location.
However, where we do this is different. Above Router, let’s write the Redirect component and see how it works:
class Redirect extends React.Component {
static contextTypes = {
history: PropTypes.object,
componentDidMount() {
const history = this.context.history;
const to =;
render() {
return null;
class Router extends React.Component {
We’ve placed the history.push() inside componentDidMount()! The moment this component is mounted to the page, it calls out to the history API to modify the app’s location.
If you’re familiar with routing paradigms from other web development frameworks, the Redirect component might appear particularly curious. Most developers are used to things like an imperative routing table to handle redirects.
Instead, react-router furnishes a declarative paradigm consisting of composable components. Here, a Redirect is represented as nothing more than a React component. Want to redirect? Just render a Redirect component.
Because we’re defining Redirect as a JavaScript class, we can define contextTypes inside the class declaration with static.
In the completed version of the app, we saw a third route, black-sea. When this location was visited, the app displayed a countdown timer before redirecting to /. Let’s build this now.
First, we’ll add a new Link and Route for the component that we’ll soon define, BlackSea:
<Link to='/atlantic'>
<Link to='/pacific'>
<Link to='/black-sea'>
<hr />
<Route path='/atlantic' component={Atlantic} />
<Route path='/pacific' component={Pacific} />
<Route path='/black-sea' component={BlackSea} />
Let’s go ahead and define BlackSea at the bottom of App.js.
First, let’s implement the counting logic. We’ll initialize state.counter to 3. Then, inside componentDidMount(), we’ll perform the countdown using JavaScript’s builtin setInterval() function:
class BlackSea extends React.Component {
state = {
counter: 3,
componentDidMount() {
this.interval = setInterval(() => (
this.setState(prevState => {
return {
counter: prevState.counter - 1,
)), 1000);
The setInterval() function will decrease state.counter by one every second.
Because the state update depends on the current version of state, we’re passing setState() a function as opposed to an object. We discuss this technique in the “Advanced Component Configuration” chapter.
We have to remember to clear the interval when the component is unmounted. This is the same strategy we used in the timers app in the second chapter:
componentWillUnmount() {
Last, let’s focus on the redirect logic. We’ll handle the redirect logic inside our render() function. When the render() function is called, we’ll want to check if the counter is less than 1. If it is, we want to perform a redirect. We do this by including the Redirect component in our render output:
render() {
return (
<h3>Black Sea</h3>
<p>Nothing to sea [sic] here ...</p>
<p>Redirecting in {this.state.counter}...</p>
(this.state.counter < 1) ? (
<Redirect to='/' />
) : null
Three seconds after BlackSea mounts, our interval function decrements our state.counter to 0. The setState() function triggers a re-render of the BlackSea component. Its output will include the Redirect component. When the Redirect component mounts, it will trigger the redirect.
In the BlackSea component, we use a ternary operator to control whether or not we render the Redirect component. Using ternary operators inside of JSX is common in React. This is because we can’t embed multi-line statements like an if/else clause inside our JSX.
This mechanism for triggering a redirect might seem peculiar at first. But this paradigm is powerful. We have complete control of routing by rendering components and passing props. Again, the React Router team prides itself on the fact that the interface to the library is just React. As we’ll explore more in the second half of the chapter, this property gives us lots of flexibility.
Try it out
With Redirect built and in use, let’s try it out. Save App.js. Visiting /black-sea in the browser, we witness the component rendering before it performs the redirect:
At this point, we have an understanding of how three of React Router’s fundamental components work to read and update the browser’s location state. We also see how they work with the context of the top-most Router component.
Let’s scrap our hand-rolled React Router components and instead use the library’s routing components. After doing so, we can explore a couple more features of the Route component supplied by react-router. Further, we’ll see how Switch provides one last key piece of functionality.
Using react-router
We’ll import the components that we want to use from the react-router package and remove the ones we’ve written so far.
The react-router library encompasses a few different npm packages such as react-router-dom and react-router-native. Each corresponds to a supported environment for React. Because we’re building a web app, we’ll use the react-router-dom npm package.
react-router-dom is already included in this project’s package.json.
At the top of our App.js file, remove the import statement for createBrowserHistory. React Router will take care of history management:
import React from ‘react’;
import createHistory from ‘history/createBrowserHistory’
We’ll add an import statement that includes each of the components we want to use. Then, we’ll delete all our custom react-router components. All our other components, like App, can remain unchanged:
import React from 'react';
import {
BrowserRouter as Router,
} from 'react-router-dom'
const App = () =>
react-router-dom exports its router under the name BrowserRouter to distinguish it from the routers included in other environments, like NativeRouter. It is common practice to use the alias Router by using the as keyword as we do here.
Save App.js. After this change, we’ll see that everything is still working as it was before we switched to using React Router.
More Route
Now that we’re using the react-router library, our imported Route component has several additional features.
So far, we’ve used the prop component to instruct Route which component to render when the path matches the current location. Route also accepts the prop render. We can use this prop to define a render function in-line.
To see an example of this, let’s add another Route declaration to App. We’ll insert it above the rest of our existing Route components. This time, we’ll use render:
<Route path='/atlantic/ocean' render={() => (
<h3>Atlantic Ocean — Again!</h3>
Also known as "The Pond."
)} />
<Route path='/atlantic' component={Atlantic} />
<Route path='/pacific' component={Pacific} />
<Route path='/black-sea' component={BlackSea} />
Save App.js. If we visit the app at /atlantic we see just the Atlantic component, as expected:
What happens if we visit /atlantic/ocean? We don’t have a Link to this path so type it into the address bar. We notice both the Atlantic component and our new anonymous render function, one stacked atop the other:
Why do we see both components? Because of how Route matches path against the location. Recall that our Route component performed the match like this:
if (pathname.match(path)) {
Consider how that behaves:
const routePath = '/atlantic';
let browserPath = '/atl';
browserPath.match(routePath); // -> no match
browserPath = '/atlantic';
browserPath.match(routePath); // -> matches
browserPath = '/atlantic/ocean'
browserPath.match(routePath); // -> matches
Therefore, both Route declarations for our two Atlantic components match the location /atlantic/ocean. So they both render.
We hadn’t observed this behavior of Route up until now. But given how Route works, this behavior makes sense. Any number of components might match a given location and they will all render. Route does not impose any kind of exclusivity.
Sometimes, this behavior is undesirable. We’ll see a strategy for managing this a bit later.
The example above and our implementation of pathname matching are not strictly accurate. As you might expect, Route matches against the start of the pathname. Therefore, /atlantic/ocean/pacific will not match for the component Pacific even though that path contains the /pacific substring.
With this behavior in mind, what if we wanted to add a component that renders when the user visits the root (/)? It would be nice to have some text that instructs the user to click on one of the links.
We now know that a solution like this would be problematic:
{/* This solution is problematic */}
<Route path='/' render={() => (
Welcome! Select a body of saline water above.
)} />
Given that / matches paths like /atlantic and /pacific, this component would render on every page of the app:
This behavior is not quite what we want. By adding the prop exact to the Route component, we can specify that the path must exactly match the location. Add the Route for / now:
<Route path='/atlantic/ocean' render={() => (
<h3>Atlantic Ocean — Again!</h3>
Also known as "The Pond."
)} />
<Route path='/atlantic' component={Atlantic} />
<Route path='/pacific' component={Pacific} />
<Route path='/black-sea' component={BlackSea} />
<Route exact path='/' render={() => (
Welcome! Select a body of saline water above.
)} />
We’re using some JSX syntactic sugar here. While we could set the prop explicitly like this:
<Route exact={true} path='/' render={() => (
// ...
In JSX, if the prop is listed but not assigned to a value it defaults the value to true.
Try it out
Save App.js. Visiting / in our browser, we see our welcome component. Importantly, the welcome component does not appear on any other path:
We now have a proper handler for when the user visits /.
The Route component is a powerful yet simple way to declare which components we’d like to appear on which routes. However, Route alone has some limitations:
- As we saw earlier with the route /atlantic/ocean, we’ll often want only one Route to match a given path.
- Furthermore, we don’t yet have a strategy for handling the situation where a user visits a location that our app doesn’t specify a match for.
To work around these, we can wrap our Route components in a Switch component.
Using Switch
When Route components are wrapped in a Switch component, only the first matching Route will be displayed.
This means we can use Switch to overcome the two limitations we’ve witnessed so far with Route:
- When the user visits /atlantic/ocean, the first Route will match and the subsequent Route matching /atlantic will be ignored.
- We can include a catch-all Route at the bottom of our Switch container. If none of the other Route components match, this component will be rendered.
Let’s see this in practice.
In order to use the Switch component, let’s import the Switch component from react-router:
import React from 'react';
import {
BrowserRouter as Router,
} from 'react-router-dom'
const App = () => (
We’ll wrap all of our Route components in a Switch component. Add the opening Switch component tag above the first Route:
<hr />
<Route path='/atlantic/ocean' render={() => (
Next, we’ll add our “catch-all” Route beneath our existing Route components. Because we don’t specify a path prop, this Route will match every path:
<Route exact path='/' render={() => (
Welcome! Select a body of saline water above.
)} />
<Route render={({ location }) => (
<div className='ui inverted red segment'>
Error! No matches for <code>{location.pathname}</code>
)} />
Route passes the prop location to the render function. Route always passes this prop to its target. We’ll explore this more in the second half of this chapter.
Try it out
Save App.js. Visit /atlantic/ocean and note that the component matching /atlantic is gone. Next, manually enter a path for the app that doesn’t exist. Our catch-all Route component will render:
At this point, we’re familiar with React Router’s fundamental components. We wrap our app in Router, which supplies any React Router components in the tree with location and history APIs and ensures our React app is re-rendered whenever the location is changed. Route and Switch both help us control what React components are displayed at a given location. And Link and Redirect give us the ability to modify the location of the app without a full page load.
In the second half of this chapter, we’ll apply these fundamentals to a more complex application.
Dynamic routing with React Router
In this section, we’ll build off the foundations established in the last. We’ll see how React Router’s fundamental components work together inside of a slightly larger app, and explore a few different strategies for programming in its unique componentdriven routing paradigm.
The app in this section has multiple pages. The app’s main page has a vertical menu where the user can choose between five different music albums. Choosing an album immediately shows album information in the main panel. All album information is pulled from Spotify’s API⁷⁹.
The server that our React app communicates with is protected by a token that requires a login. While not a genuine authentication flow, the setup will give us a feel for how to use React Router inside of an application that requires users to login.
The completed app
The code for this section is inside routing/music. From the root of the book’s code folder, navigate to that directory:
$ cd routing/music
Let’s take a look at this project’s structure:
$ ls
In the root of the project is a Node API server (server.js). Inside client is a React app powered by create-react-app:
$ ls client
This project’s structure is identical to the food lookup app at the end of the chapter “Using Webpack with create-react-app.” When in development, we boot two servers: server.js and the Webpack development server. The Webpack development server will serve our React app. Our React app interfaces with server.js to fetch data about a given album. server.js, in turn, communicates with the Spotify API to get the album data:
Let’s install the dependencies and see the running app. We have two package.json files, one for server.js and one for the React app. We’ll run npm i for both:
$ npm i
$ cd client
$ npm i
$ cd ..
We can boot the app with npm start in the top-level directory. This uses Concurrently to boot both servers simultaneously:
$ npm start
Find the app at http://localhost:3000.
The app will prompt you with a login button. Click login to “login.” We are not prompted for a user name or password.
After logging in, we can see a list of albums in a vertical side menu:
Clicking on one of these albums displays it to the right of the vertical side menu. Furthermore, the URL of the app is updated:
The URL follows the scheme /albums/:albumId where :albumId
is the dynamic part of the URL.
Clicking the “Logout” button in the top right, we’re redirected to the login page at /login. If we try to manually navigate back to /albums by typing that address into the URL bar, we are prevented from reaching that page. Instead, we are redirected back to /login.
Before digging into the React app, let’s take a look at the server’s API.
The server’s API
POST /api/login
The server provides an endpoint for retrieving an API token, /api/login. This token is required for the endpoint /api/albums.
Unlike a real-world login endpoint, the /api/login endpoint does not require a user name or a password. server.js will always return a hard-coded API token when this endpoint is requested. That hard-coded token is a variable inside server.js:
// A fake API token our server validates
export const API_TOKEN = 'D6W69PRgCoDKgHZGJmRUNA';
To test this endpoint yourself, with the server running you can use curl to make a POST request to that endpoint:
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:3001/api/login
"success": true,
"token": "D6W69PRgCoDKgHZGJmRUNA"
The React app stores this API token in localStorage. React will include this token in all subsequent requests to the API. Clicking the “Logout” button in the app removes the token from React and localStorage. The user will have to “login” again to access the app.
We interact with both the API and localStorage using the Client library declared in client/src/Client.js. We discuss this library more later.
The localStorage API allows you to read and write to a key-value store in the user’s browser. You can store items to localStorage with setItem():
localStorage.setItem(‘gas’, ‘pop’);
And retrieve them later with getItem():
// => ‘pop’
Note that items stored in localStorage have no expiry.
Security and client-side API tokens
Security on the web is a huge topic. And managing client-side API tokens is a delicate task. To build a truly secure web application, it’s important to understand the intricacies of the topic. Unfortunately, it’s far too easy to miss subtle practices which can end up leaving giant security holes in your implementation.
While using localStorage to store client-side API tokens works fine for hobby projects, there are significant risks. Your users’ API tokens are
exposed to cross-site scripting attacks. And tokens stored in localStorage impose no requirement on their safe transfer. If someone on your development team accidentally inserts code that makes requests over http as opposed to https, your tokens will be transferred over the wire exposed.
As a developer, you are obligated to be careful and deliberate when users entrust you with sensitive data. There are strategies you can use to protect your app and your users, like using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) or cookies or both. Should you find yourself in this fortunate position, take the necessary time to carefully research and implement your token management solution.
GET /api/albums
The /api/albums endpoint returns data supplied by the Spotify API for a given list of albums. We supply the endpoint with a query parameter, ids, which we set to the list of desired album IDs:
Note that IDs are comma-separated.
This endpoint also expects the API token to be included as the query param token. Including both the ids and token query params looks like this:
Here’s an example of querying the /api/albums endpoint with curl:
$ curl -X GET \
In bash, the \ character allows us to split our command over multiple lines. Strings can be split over multiple lines in a similar manner:
$ echo "part1"\
-> part1part2
We do this above for readability. Importantly, there is no whitespace between the ” and \ characters. Furthermore, “part2” does not have any
whitespace ahead of it. If there was any whitespace, the strings would not concatenate properly.
If you’re using Windows, you can just write this command as a single line.
The information for each album is extensive, so we refrain from including an example response here.
Starting point of the app
The completed components and the steps we take to get to them are located under client/src/components-complete. We’ll be writing all the code for the rest of this chapter in client/src/components.
Touring around the existing code, our first stop is index.js. Check out its import statements:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { BrowserRouter as Router } from "react-router-dom";
import App from './components/App';
import "./styles/index.css";
import "./semantic-dist/semantic.css";
// [STEP 1] Comment out this line:
import './index-complete';
Note that we’re importing Router here.
Like the last project, index.js includes index-complete.js which allows us to traverse each iteration of App inside components/complete. Let’s comment out that import statement:
// [STEP 1] Comment out this line:
// import './index-complete';
Then, at the bottom of index.js, un-comment the call to ReactDOM.render(). Note that we wrap <App> in <Router>:
// [STEP 2] Un-comment these lines:
<App />
Wrapping your App in index.js with <Router> is a common pattern for React Router apps.
Save index.js. With our development server still running, we’ll see that our starting point is a stripped-down interface:
Our starting point doesn’t use React Router at all. The app lists out all the albums on one page. There is a “Logout” button and clicking it changes the URL but doesn’t appear to do anything else. The “Close” buttons don’t work either.
Next, let’s take a look at App.js:
import React from 'react';
import TopBar from './TopBar';
import AlbumsContainer from './AlbumsContainer';
import '../styles/App.css';
const App = () => (
<div className='ui grid'>
<TopBar />
<div className='spacer row' />
<div className='row'>
<AlbumsContainer />
export default App;
App renders both our TopBar and AlbumsContainer.
As always, the div and className elements throughout the app are present just for structure and styling. As in other projects, this app uses SemanticUI⁸⁰.
We won’t look at TopBar right now.
AlbumsContainer is the component that interfaces with our API to fetch the data for the albums. It then renders Album components for each album.
At the top of AlbumsContainer, we define our import statements. We also have a hard-coded list of ALBUM_IDS that AlbumsContainer uses to fetch the desired albums from the API:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Album from './Album';
import { client } from '../Client';
const ALBUM_IDS = [
AlbumsContainer is a stateful component with two state properties:
- fetched: Whether or not AlbumsContainer has successfully fetched the album data from the API yet
- albums: An array of all the album objects
Stepping through the component, we’ll start with its initial state:
class AlbumsContainer extends Component {
state = {
fetched: false,
albums: [],
We use the fetched boolean to keep track of whether or not the albums have been retrieved from the server.
After our AlbumsContainer component mounts, we call the this.getAlbums() function. This populates the albums in state:
componentDidMount() {
In our getAlbums() function, we use the Client library (inside src/Client.js) to make a request to the API to grab the data for the albums specified in ALBUM_IDS. We use the method getAlbums() from the library, which expects as an argument an array of album IDs.
getAlbums = () => {
.then((albums) => (
fetched: true,
albums: albums,
We introduce Fetch and promises in the chapter “Components & Servers.”
Notice that before calling client.getAlbums() we call client.setToken(). As mentioned earlier, our API expects a token in the request to /api/albums. Since we don’t yet have the login and logout functionality implemented in the app, we cheat by setting the token manually before making our request. This is the same token expected by server.js:
export const API_TOKEN = 'D6W69PRgCoDKgHZGJmRUNA';
Finally, the render method for AlbumsContainer switches on this.state.fetched. If the data has yet to be fetched, we render the loading icon. Otherwise, we render all the albums in this.state.albums:
render() {
if (!this.state.fetched) {
return (
<div className='ui active centered inline loader' />
} else {
return (
<div className='ui two column divided grid'>
className='ui six wide column'
style={{ maxWidth: 250 }}
{/* VerticalMenu will go here */}
<div className='ui ten wide column'>
{ => (
<Album album={a} />
Our first update will be to add the vertical menu that we saw in the completed version of the app. This vertical menu should allow us to choose which album we’d like to view. When an album in the vertical menu is selected, the album should be displayed and the location of the app updated to /albums/:albumId.
Using URL params
At the moment, our App component is rendering both TopBar and AlbumsContainer:
const App = () => (
<div className='ui grid'>
<TopBar />
<div className='spacer row' />
<div className='row'>
<AlbumsContainer />
As we saw, we’ll eventually have login and logout pages. We can keep TopBar in App as we want TopBar to appear on every page. Since we want the album listing page to appear on a route, we should nest AlbumsContainer inside a Route. We’ll have it only render at the location /albums. This will prepare us for adding /login and /logout soon.
First, inside App.js, let’s import the Route component:
import React from 'react';
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
Then, we’ll use Route on the path /albums:
const App = () => (
<div className='ui grid'>
<TopBar />
<div className='spacer row' />
<div className='row'>
<Route path='/albums' component={AlbumsContainer} />
Now, AlbumsContainer will only render when we visit the app at /albums.
We’ll have AlbumsContainer render a child component, VerticalMenu. We’ll have the parent (AlbumsContainer) pass the child (VerticalMenu) the list of albums. Let’s first compose VerticalMenu and then we’ll update AlbumsContainer to use it.
Open the file src/components/VerticalMenu.js. The current file contains the scaffold for the component:
import React from 'react';
import '../styles/VerticalMenu.css';
const VerticalMenu = ({ albums }) => (
<div className='ui secondary vertical menu'>
<div className='header item'>
{/* Render album menu here */}
export default VerticalMenu;
As we can see, VerticalMenu expects the prop albums. We want to iterate over the albums prop, rendering a Link for each album. First, we’ll import Link from react-router:
import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import '../styles/VerticalMenu.css';
We’ll use map to compose our list of Link components. The to prop for each Link will be /albums/:albumId:
const VerticalMenu = ({ albums }) => (
<div className='ui secondary vertical menu'>
<div className='header item'>
{ => (
We set the className to item for styling. We’re using SemanticUI’s vertical menu.
VerticalMenu will now update the location of the app whenever the user clicks on one of its menu items. Let’s update AlbumsContainer to both use VerticalMenu and render a single album based on the location of the app.
Open src/components/AlbumsContainer.js. Add VerticalMenu to the list of imports:
import Album from './Album';
import VerticalMenu from './VerticalMenu';
import { client } from '../Client';
Then, inside the render method, we’ll add VerticalMenu nested inside a column:
render() {
if (!this.state.fetched) {
return (
<div className='ui active centered inline loader' />
} else
return (
<div className='ui two column divided grid'>
className='ui six wide column'
style={{ maxWidth: 250 }}
<div className='ui ten wide column'>
Because VerticalMenu does not need full album objects, it would indeed be cleaner to pass the component subset objects that look like this:
[{ name: 'Madonna', id: '1DWWb4Q39mp1T3NgyscowF' }]
This would also make VerticalMenu more flexible, as we could write it such that it can be a side menu for any list of items.
In the output for AlbumsContainer, in the column adjacent to VerticalMenu, we want to render a single album now as opposed to a list of all of them. We know that VerticalMenu is going to modify the location according to the scheme /albums/:albumId. We can use a Route component to match against this pattern and extract the parameter :albumId from the URL.
Still in AlbumsContainer.js, first add Route to the component’s imports:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
Then, inside render in the div tags below VerticalMenu, we’ll replace the map call that renders all the albums. Instead, we’ll define a Route component with a render prop. We’ll take a look at it in full then break it down:
<div className='ui ten wide column'>
render={({ match }) => {
const album = this.state.albums.find(
(a) => === match.params.albumId
return (
The string we’re matching against is /albums/:albumId. The : is how we indicate to React Router that this part of the URL is a dynamic parameter. Importantly, any value will match this dynamic parameter.
We set a render prop on this Route to a function. Route invokes the render function with a few arguments, like match. We explore match more in a bit. Here, we’re interested in the params property on match.
Route extracts all the dynamic parameters from the URL and passes them to the target component inside the object match.params. In our case, params will contain the property albumId which will correspond to the value of the :albumId part of the current URL (/albums/:albumId).
We use find to get the album that matches params.albumId, rendering a single Album.
The user can now modify the location of the app with the links in VerticalMenu. And AlbumsContainer uses Route to read the location and extract the desired albumId, rendering the desired album.
Try it out
Save AlbumsContainer.js. If the app isn’t still running, be sure to boot it from the top-level directory using the npm start command:
$ npm start
Recall that in App we wrapped AlbumsContainer in a Route for the pattern /albums. It doesn’t match /, so the body of App remains empty.
Let’s manually visit the /albums path by typing it in the browser URL bar and we’ll see our VerticalMenu rendered:
Nothing is rendered in the column adjacent to VerticalMenu as that column is awaiting a URL matching /albums/:albumId. Clicking on one of the albums changes the location of the app:
We’re getting somewhere! While the “Close” and “Logout” buttons still don’t work, we can switch between albums. The app’s location updates without refreshing the page.
Let’s wire up the “Close” button next.
Propagating pathnames as props
Inside Album.js, we render a “Close” button inside the album’s header:
<div className='six wide column'>
`By ${}
- ${album.year}
- ${album.tracks.length} songs`
className='ui left floated large button'
To “close” the album, we need to change the app’s location from /albums/:albumId to /albums. Knowing what we know about routing through this point, we could create a link to handle this behavior for us, like this:
// Valid "close" button
className='ui left floated large button'
This is perfectly valid. However, one consideration we have to make as we add routing to our apps is flexibility.
For example, what if we wanted to modify the app so that our albums page existed on / and not /albums? We’d have to change all references to /albums in the app.
More compelling, what if we wanted to display an album in different locations within the app? For example, we might add artist pages at /artists/:artistId. The user can then drill down to an individual album, opening the URL /artists/:artistId/albums/:albumId.
We’d want a “Close” button in this situation to link to /artists/:artistId, not /albums.
A simple way to maintain some flexibility is to pass pathnames through the app as props. Let’s see this in action.
Recall that inside App.js, we specify the path for AlbumsContainer is /albums:
<Route path='/albums' component={AlbumsContainer} />
We just saw that Route invokes a function passed as a render prop with the argument match. Route also sets this prop on components rendered via the component prop. Regardless of how Route renders its component, it will always set three props:
- match
- location
- history
According to the React Router docs⁸¹, the match object contains the following properties:
• params – (object) Key/value pairs parsed from the URL corresponding to the dynamic segments of the path
• isExact – true if the entire URL was matched (no trailing characters)
• path – (string) The path pattern used to match. Useful for building nested s
• url – (string) The matched portion of the URL. Useful for building nested s
Of interest to us is the property path. Inside AlbumsContainer, this.props.match.path will be /albums.
We can update the Route inside AlbumsContainer that wraps Album. Before, the path prop was /albums/:albumId. We can replace the root of the path (/albums) with the variable this.props.match.path.
First, let’s declare a new variable, matchPath:
render() {
if (!this.state.fetched) {
return (
<div className='ui active centered inline loader' />
} else {
const matchPath = this.props.match.path;
Then, we can change the path prop on Route to use this variable:
<div className='ui ten wide column'>
render={({ match }) => {
const album = this.state.albums.find(
(a) => === match.params.albumId
return (
With this approach, AlbumsContainer doesn’t make any assumptions about its location. We could, for example, update App so that AlbumsContainer matches at / instead of /albums and AlbumsContainer would need no changes.
We want the “Close” button in Album to link to this same path. “Closing” an album means changing the location back to /albums. Let’s propagate the prop down to Album:
return (
Then, inside Album.js we can extract the albumsPathname from the props object:
const Album = ({ album, albumsPathname }) => (
Now, we can change the div element to a Link component. We’ll set the to prop to albumsPathname:
<div className='six wide column'>
`By ${}
- ${album.year}
- ${album.tracks.length} songs`
className='ui left floated large button'
Let’s apply the same approach to VerticalMenu. Switch back to AlbumsContainer.js. We’ll pass VerticalMenu the prop albumsPathname:
className='ui six wide column'
style={{ maxWidth: 250 }}
Now we can use this prop to compose the to attribute for Link:
const VerticalMenu = ({ albums, albumsPathname }) => (
<div className='ui secondary vertical menu'>
<div className='header item'>
{ => (
By isolating the number of places we specify pathnames we make our app more flexible for routing changes in the future. With this update, the only place in our app where we specify the path /albums is in App.
Try it out
Save Album.js. With the app running, visit /albums. Clicking on an album opens it. Clicking on “Close” closes it by changing the location back to /albums.
With the “Close” button working, there’s an interface improvement we can make before moving on to implementing login and logout.
When an album is open, it would be nice if the sidebar indicated which album was active:
We’ll solve this next.
Dynamic menu items with NavLink
At the moment, all the menu items in our vertical menu have the class item. In SemanticUI’s vertical menus, we can set the class of the active item to active item to have it show up as highlighted.
How will we know if an album is “active”? This state is maintained in the URL. If the album’s id matches that of :albumId in the URL, we’d know that album was active.
Given this, we could drum up the following solution: => {
const to = `${albumsPathname}/${}`;
const active = window.location.pathname === to;
return (<Link
className={active ? 'active item' : 'item'}
We grab the URL’s pathname through the browser’s window.location API. If the browser’s location matches that of the link, we set its class to active item.
Styling active links is a common need. While the solution above would work, react-router provides a built-in strategy to handle this situation.
We can use another link component, NavLink. NavLink is a special version of Link that is intended for just this purpose. When a NavLink component’s target location matches the current URL, it will add style attributes to the rendered element.
We can use NavLink like this:
When the to prop on a NavLink matches the current location, the class applied to the element will be a combination of className and activeClassName. Here, that will render the class active item as desired.
In this instance, however, we don’t need to set the prop activeClassName. The default value of activeClassName is the string ‘active’. So, we can omit it.
Import NavLink at the top of the file:
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';
Then swap out Link for NavLink:
const VerticalMenu = ({ albums, albumsPathname }) => (
<div className='ui secondary vertical menu'>
<div className='header item'>
{ => (
NavLink makes styling links easy. Use NavLink when you need this feature but stick to Link when you don’t.
Try it out
Save VerticalMenu.js. In our browser, the vertical menu will now reflect the active
album with a gray background: