Your first React Web Application
Building Product Hunt
In this chapter, you’re going to get a crash course on React by building a simple voting application inspired by Product Hunt¹³. You’ll become familiar with how React approaches front-end development and all the fundamentals necessary to build an interactive React app from start to finish. Thanks to React’s core simplicity, by the end of the chapter you’ll already be well on your way to writing a variety of fast, dynamic interfaces.
Completed version of the app
We’ll focus on getting our React app up and running fast. We take a deeper look at concepts covered in this section throughout the book.
Setting up your development environment
Code editor
As you’ll be writing code throughout this book, you’ll need to make sure you have a code editor you’re comfortable working with. If you don’t already have a preferred editor, we recommend installing VS Code¹⁴.
Node.js and npm
For all the projects in this book, we’ll need to make sure we have a working Node.js¹⁵ development environment along with npm.
There are a couple different ways you can install Node.js so please refer to the Node.js website for detailed information:¹⁶
If you’re on a Mac, your best bet is to install Node.js directly from the Node.js website instead of through another package manager (like Homebrew). Installing Node.js via Homebrew is known to cause some issues.
1 $ npm -v
If a version number is not printed out and you receive an error, make sure to download a Node.js installer that includes npm.
Install Git
The app in this chapter requires Git to install some third-party libraries. If you don’t have Git installed, see these instructions¹⁷ for installing Git for your platform.
After installing Git, we recommend restarting your computer.
Last, we highly recommend using the Google Chrome Web Browser¹⁸ to develop React apps. We’ll use the Chrome developer toolkit throughout this book. To follow along with our development and debugging we recommend downloading it now.
Special instruction for Windows users
All the code in this book has been tested on Windows 10 with PowerShell.
Ensure IIS is installed
If you’re on a Windows machine and have yet to do any web development on it, you may need to install IIS (Internet Information Services) in order to run web servers locally.
See this tutorial¹⁹ for installing IIS.
JavaScript ES6/ES7
JavaScript is the language of the web. It runs on many different browsers, like Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer. Different browsers have different JavaScript interpreters which execute JavaScript code.
Its widespread adoption as the internet’s client-side scripting language led to the formation of a standards body which manages its specification. The specification is called ECMAScript or ES.
The 5th edition of the specification is called ES5. You can think of ES5 as a “version” of the JavaScript programming language. Finalized in 2009, ES5 was adopted by all major browsers within a few years.
The 6th edition of JavaScript is referred to as ES6. Finalized in 2015, the latest versions of major browsers are still finishing adding support for ES6 as of 2017. ES6 is a significant update. It contains a whole host of new features for JavaScript, almost two dozen in total. JavaScript written in ES6 is tangibly different than JavaScript written in ES5.
ES7, a much smaller update that builds on ES6, was ratified in June 2016. ES7 contains only two new features.
As the future of JavaScript, we want to write our code in ES6/ES7 today. But we also want our JavaScript to run on older browsers until they fade out of widespread use. We see later in this chapter how we can enjoy the benefits of ES6/ES7 today while still supporting the vast majority of the world’s browsers.
This book is written with JavaScript ES7. Because ES6 ratified a majority of these new features, we’ll commonly refer to these new features as ES6 features.
We’ve included an appendix on the ES6 syntax that we use, “Appendix B: ES6.” We’ll often refer to the appendix when encountering ES6 syntax for the first time, but if ever syntax seems unfamiliar to you it’s worth checking Appendix B to see if it’s new ES6 JavaScript syntax.
ES6 is sometimes referred to as ES2015, the year of its finalization. ES7, in turn, is often referred to as ES2016.
Getting started
Sample Code
All the code examples you find in each chapter are available in the code package that came with the book. In that code package you’ll find completed versions of each app as well as boilerplates that we will use to build those apps together. Each chapter provides detailed instruction on how to follow along on your own.
While coding along with the book is not necessary, we highly recommend doing so. Playing around with examples and sample code will help solidify and strengthen concepts.
Previewing the application
We’ll be building a basic React app that will allow us to touch on React’s most important concepts at a high-level before diving into them in subsequent sections. Let’s begin by taking a look at a working implementation of the app.
Open up the sample code folder that came with the book. Change to the voting_app/directory in the terminal:
$ cd voting_app/
If you’re not familiar with cd, it stands for “change directory.” If you’re on a Mac, do the following to open terminal and change to the proper directory:
- Open up /Applications/Utilities/
- Type cd, without hitting enter.
- Tap the spacebar.
- In the Finder, drag the voting_app/ folder on to your terminal window.
- Hit Enter.
Your terminal is now in the proper directory.
Throughout the book, a code block starting with a $ signifies a command to be run in your terminal.
First, we’ll need to use npm to install all our dependencies:
$ npm install
With our dependencies installed, we can boot the server using the npm start command
$ npm start
The boot process will print some text to the console:
Boot process output
In addition, your browser might automatically launch and open the app. If it doesn’t, you can view the running application at the URL http://localhost:3000:
Completed version of the app
This demo app is a site like Product Hunt²⁰ or Reddit²¹. These sites have lists of links that users can vote on. Like those sites, in our app we can up-vote products. All products are sorted instantaneously by number of votes.
The keyboard command to quit a running Node server is CTRL+C.
Prepare the app
In the terminal, run ls to see the project’s layout:
$ ls
If you’re running on macOS or Linux, you can run ls -1p to format your output as we do above.
Node apps contain a package.json which specifies the dependencies of the project. When we ran npm install, npm used our package.json to determine which dependencies to download and install. It installed them to the folder node_modules/.
We explore the format of package.json in later chapters.
The code we’ll be working with is inside the folder public/. Look inside that folder:
$ ls public
index.html js/
The general layout here is a common one for web apps. Inside public/ is index.html, the file that we serve to browsers that request our website. As we’ll see shortly, index.html is the centerpiece of our app. It loads in the rest of our app’s assets.
Let’s look inside public/js next:
$ ls public/js
Inside public/js is where we’ll put our app’s JavaScript. We’ll be writing our React app inside app.js. app-complete.js is the completed version of the app that we’re working towards, which we viewed a moment ago.
In addition, we’ve included each version of app.js as we build it up throughout this chapter (app-1.js, app-2.js, etc). Each code block in this chapter will reference which app version you can find it in. You can copy and paste longer code insertions from these app versions into your app.js.
All projects include a handy that have instructions on how to run them.
To get started, we’ll ensure app-complete.js is no longer loaded in index.html. We’ll then have a blank canvas to begin work inside app.js.
Open up public/index.html in your text editor. It should look like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Project One</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./semantic-dist/semantic.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css" />
<script src="vendor/babel-standalone.js"></script>
<script src="vendor/react.js"></script>
<script src="vendor/react-dom.js"></script>
<div class="main ui text container">
<h1 class="ui dividing centered header">Popular Products</h1>
<div id="content"></div>
<script src="./js/seed.js"></script>
<script src="./js/app.js"></script>
<!-- Delete the script tag below to get started. -->
We’ll go over all the dependencies being loaded under the <head> tag later. The heart of the HTML document is these few lines here:
<div class="main ui text container">
<h1 class="ui dividing centered header">Popular Products</h1>
<div id="content"></div>
For this project, we’re using Semantic UI²² for styling. Semantic UI is a CSS framework, much like Twitter’s Bootstrap²³. It provides us with a grid system and some simple styling. You don’t need to know Semantic UI in order to use this book. We’ll provide all the styling code that you need. At some point, you might want to check out the docs Semantic UI docs²⁴ to get familiar with the framework and explore how you can use it in your own projects.
The class attributes here are just concerned with style and are safe to ignore. Stripping those away, our core markup is succinct:
<h1>Popular Products</h1>
<div id="content"></div>
We have a title for the page (h1) and a div with an id of content. This div is where we will ultimately mount our React app. We’ll see shortly what that means.
The next few lines tell the browser what JavaScript to load. To start building our own application, let’s remove the ./app-complete.js script tag completely:
After we save our updated index.html and reload the web browser, we’ll see that our app has disappeared.
What’s a component?
Building a React app is all about components. An individual React component can be thought of as a UI component in an app. We can break apart the interface of our app into two classes of components:
The app’scomponents
We have a hierarchy of one parent component and many child components. We’ll call these ProductList and Product, respectively:
- ProductList: Contains a list of product components
- Product: Displays a given product
Not only do React components map cleanly to UI components, but they are self- contained. The markup, view logic, and often component-specific style is all housed in one place. This feature makes React components reusable.
Furthermore, as we’ll see in this chapter and throughout this book, React’s paradigm for component data flow and interactivity is rigidly defined. In React, when the inputs for a component change, the framework simply re-renders that component. This gives us a robust UI consistency guarantee:
With a given set of inputs, the output (how the component looks on the page) will always be the same.
Our first component
Let’s start off by building the ProductList component. We’ll write all our React code for the rest of this chapter inside the file public/js/app.js. Let’s open app.js and insert the component:
class ProductList extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className='ui unstackable items'>
Hello, friend! I am a basic React component.
React components are ES6 classes that extend the class React.Component. We’re referencing the React variable. index.html loads the React library for us so we’re able to reference it here:
<script src="vendor/react.js"></script>
Our ProductList class has a single method, render(). render()is theonly required method for a React component. React uses the return value from this method to determine what to render to the page.
While JavaScript is not a classical language, ES6 introduced a class declara- tion syntax. ES6 classes are syntactical sugar over JavaScript’s prototype- based inheritance model.
We cover the important details you need to know about classes with respect to building React components. If you’d like to learn more about ES6 classes, refer to the docs on MDN²⁵.
There are two ways to declare React components:
- As ES6 classes (as above)
- Function components
An example of using an ES6 class:
class HelloWorld extends React.Component {
render() { return <p>Hello, world!</p>; }
The same component written in a “functional component” style:
function HelloWorld() {
return <p>Hello, world!</p>;
At the time of writing, both types of declarations are in widespread use. While they both do essentially the same thing, there are some important differences that we’ll get to later in the book.
We’ll be using ES6 class components through much of the book, but we’ll be using function components from time-to-time as well. While it might seem cleaner to just pick one, you’ll encounter (and use) both in your real-world work. So we’ll cover both.
If you have some familiarity with JavaScript, the return value may be surprising:
return (
<div className='ui unstackable items'>
Hello, friend! I am a basic React component.
The syntax of the return value doesn’t look like traditional JavaScript. We’re using JSX (JavaScript eXtension syntax), a syntax extension for JavaScript written by Facebook. Using JSX enables us to write the markup for our component views in a familiar, HTML-like syntax. In the end, this JSX code compiles to vanilla JavaScript. Although using JSX is not a necessity, we’ll use it in this book as it pairs really well with React.
If you don’t have much familiarity with JavaScript, we recommend you follow along and use JSX in your React code too. You’ll learn the boundaries between JSX and JavaScript with experience.
React components ultimately render HTML which is displayed in the browser. As such, the render() method of a component needs to describe how the view should be represented as HTML. React builds our apps with a fake representation of the Document Object Model (DOM). React calls this the virtual DOM. Without getting deep into details for now, React allows us to describe a component’s HTML representation in JavaScript.
The Document Object Model (DOM) refers to the browser’s HTML tree that makes up a web page.
JSX was created to make this JavaScript representation of HTML more HTML-like. To understand the difference between HTML and JSX, consider this JavaScript syntax:
React.createElement('div', {className: 'ui items'},
'Hello, friend! I am a basic React component.'
Which can be represented in JSX as:
<div className='ui items'>
Hello, friend! I am a basic React component.
The code readability is slightly improved in the latter example. This is exacerbated in a nested tree structure:
React.createElement('div', {className: 'ui items'},
React.createElement('p', null, 'Hello, friend! I am a basic React com\
<div className='ui items'>
Hello, friend! I am a basic React component.
JSX presents a light abstraction over the JavaScript version, yet the legibility benefits are huge. Readability boosts our app’s longevity and makes it easier to onboard new developers.
Even though the JSX above looks exactly like HTML, it’s important to remember that JSX is actually just compiled into JavaScript (ex: React.createElement(‘div’)).
During runtime React takes care of rendering the actual HTML in the browser for each component.
The developer console
Our first component is written and we now know that it uses a special flavor of JavaScript called JSX for improved readability.
After editing and saving our app.js, let’s refresh the page in our web browser and see what changed:
Every major browser comes with a toolkit that helps developers working on JavaScript code. A central part of this toolkit is a console. Think of the console as JavaScript’s primary communication medium back to the developer. If JavaScript encounters any errors in its execution, it will alert you in this developer console.
Our web server, live-server, should refresh the page automatically when it detects that app.js has changed.
To open the console in Chrome, navigate to View > Developer > JavaScript Console.
Or, just press Command + Option + J on a Mac or Control + Shift + L on Windows/Linux.
Opening the console, we are given a cryptic clue:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token
Error in the console
This SyntaxError prevented our code from running. A SyntaxError is thrown when the JavaScript engine encounters tokens or token order that doesn’t conform to the syntax of the language when parsing code. This error type indicates some code is out of place or mistyped.
The issue? Our browser’s JavaScript parser tripped when it encountered the JSX. The parser doesn’t know anything about JSX. As far as it is concerned, this < is completely out of place.
As we discussed, JSX is an extension to standard JavaScript. Let’s have our browser’s JavaScript interpreter use this extension.
We mentioned at the beginning of the chapter that all the code in the book would be using ES6 JavaScript. However, most browsers in use today do not fully support ES6.
Babel is a JavaScript transpiler. Babel turns ES6 code into ES5 code. We call this process transpiling. So we can enjoy the features of ES6 today yet ensure our code still runs in browsers that only support ES5.
Another handy feature of Babel is that it understands JSX. Babel compiles our JSX into vanilla ES5 JS that our browser can then interpret and execute. We just need to instruct the browser that we want to use Babel to compile and run our JavaScript code.
The sample code’s index.html already imports Babel in the head tags of index.html:
<!-- ... -->
<script src="vendor/babel-standalone.js"></script>
<!-- ... -->
All we need to do is tell our JavaScript runtime that our code should be compiled by Babel. We can do this by setting the type attribute when we import the script in index.html to text/babel.
Open index.html and change the script tag that loads ./js/app.js. We’re going to add two attributes:
<script src="./js/seed.js"></script>
The attribute type=”text/babel” indicates to Babel that we would like it to handlethe loading of this script. The attribute data-plugins specifies a special Babel plugin we use in this book. We discuss this plugin at the end of the chapter.
Save index.html and reload the page.
Still nothing. However, the console no longer has the error. Depending on your version of Chrome, you might see some warnings (highlighted in yellow as opposed to red). These warnings are safe to ignore.
Babel successfully compiled our JSX into JavaScript and our browser was able to run that JavaScript without any issues.
So what’s happening? We’ve defined the component, but we haven’t told React to do anything with it yet. We need to tell the React framework that our component should be inserted on this page.
Depending on your version of Chrome, you might see two errors.
The first:
Fetching scripts with an invalid type/language attributes is deprecated\ and will be removed in M56, around January 2017.
This warning is misleading and safe to ignore. The second:
You are using the in-browser Babel transformer. Be sure to precompile y\ our scripts for production
Again, safe to ignore. To get up and running quickly, we’re having Babel transpile on-the-fly in the browser. We explore other JavaScript transpiling strategies later in the book that are more suitable for production.
We need to instruct React to render this ProductList inside a specific DOM node.
Add the following code below the component inside app.js:
class ProductList extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className='ui unstackable items'>
Hello, friend! I am a basic React component.
<ProductList />,
ReactDOM is from the react-dom library that we also include in index.html. We pass in two arguments to the ReactDOM.render() method. The first argument iswhat we’d like to render. The second argument is where to render it:
ReactDOM.render([what], [where]);
Here, for the “what,” we’re passing in a reference to our React component ProductList in JSX. For the “where,” you might recall index.html contains a div tag with an id of content:
<div id="content"></div>
We pass in a reference to that DOM node as the second argument to ReactDOM.render().
At this point, it’s interesting to note that we use different casing between the different types of React element declarations. We have HTML DOM elements like and a React component called . In React, native HTML elements always start with a lowercase letter whereas React component names always start with an uppercase letter.
With ReactDOM.render() now at the end of app.js, save the file and refresh the page in the browser:
Our component is rendered to the page
To recap, we wrote a React component using an ES6 class as well as JSX. We specified that we wanted Babel to transpile this code to ES5. We then used ReactDOM.render() to write this component to the DOM.
While an accomplishment, our current ProductList component is rather uninteresting. We eventually want ProductList to render a list of products.
Each product will be its own UI element, a fragment of HTML. We can represent each of these elements as their own component, Product. Central to its paradigm, React components can render other React components. We’ll have ProductList render Product components, one for each product we’d like to show on the page. Each of these Product components will be a child component to ProductList, the parent component.
Building Product
Let’s build our child component, Product, that will contain a product listing. Just like with the ProductList component, we’ll declare a new ES6 class that extends React.Component. We’ll define a single method, render():
class Product extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
{/* ... todo ... */}
// ...
For every product, we’ll add an image, a title, a description, and an avatar of the post author. The markup is below:
class Product extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className='item'>
<div className='image'>
<img src='images/products/image-aqua.png' />
<div className='middle aligned content'>
<div className='description'>
<a>Fort Knight</a>
<p>Authentic renaissance actors, delivered in just two week\
<div className='extra'>
<span>Submitted by:</span>
className='ui avatar image'
The title of the code block above references the location of this example in the book’s code download (voting_app/public/js/app-2.js). This pattern will be common throughout the book.
If you want to copy and paste the markup into your app.js, refer to this file.
Again, we’ve used a bit of SemanticUI styling in our code here. As we discussed previously, this JSX code will be transpiled to regular JavaScript in the browser. Because it runs in the browser as JavaScript, we cannot use any reserved JavaScript words in JSX. class is a reserved word. Therefore, React has us use the attribute name className. Later, when the HTML element reaches the page, this attribute name will be written as class.
Structurally, the Product component is similar to the ProductList component. Bothhave a single render() method which returns information about an eventual HTML structure to display.
Remember, the JSX components return is not actually the HTML that gets rendered, but is the representation that we want React to render in the DOM.
To use the Product component, we can modify the render output of our parent ProductList component to include the child Product component:
class ProductList extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className='ui unstackable items'>
<Product />
Save app.js and refresh the web browser.
With this update, we now have two React components being rendered in our app. The ProductList parent component is rendering the Product component as a child nested underneath its root div element.
While neat, at the moment the child Product component is static. We hard-coded an image, the name, the description, and author details. To use this component in a meaningful way, we’ll want to change it to be data-driven and therefore dynamic.
Making Product data-driven
Driving the Product component with data will allow us to dynamically render the component based upon the data that we give it. Let’s familiarize ourselves with the product data model.
The data model
In the sample code, we’ve included a file inside public/js called seed.js. seed.js contains some example data for our products (it will “seed” our app’s data). The seed.js file contains a JavaScript object called Seed.products. Seed.products is an array of JavaScript objects, each representing a product object:
const products = [
id: 1,
title: 'Yellow Pail',
description: 'On-demand sand castle construction expertise.',
url: '#',
votes: generateVoteCount(),
submitterAvatarUrl: 'images/avatars/daniel.jpg',
productImageUrl: 'images/products/image-aqua.png',
Each product has a unique id and a handful of properties including a title and description. votes are randomly generated for each one with the included function generateVoteCount().
We can use the same attribute keys in our React code.
Using props
We want to modify our Product component so that it no longer uses static, hardcoded attributes. Instead, we want it to be able to accept data passed down from its parent, ProductList. Setting up our component structure in this way enables our ProductList component to dynamically render any number of Product components that each have their own unique attributes. Data flow will look like this:
The way data flows from parent to child in React is through props. When a parent renders a child, it can send along props the child depends on.
Let’s see this in action. First, let’s modify ProductList to pass down props to Product. seed.js will save us from having to create a bunch of data manually. Let’s pluck the first object off of the Seed.products array and use that as data for a single product:
class ProductList extends React.Component {
render() {
const product = Seed.products[0];
return (
<div className='ui unstackable items'>
Here, the product variable is set to a JavaScript object that describes the first of our products. We pass the product’s attributes along individually to the Product component using the syntax [propName]=[propValue]. The syntax of assigning attributes in JSX is exactly the same as HTML and XML.
There are two interesting things here. The first is the braces ({}) around each of the property values:
In JSX, braces are a delimiter, signaling to JSX that what resides in-between the braces is a JavaScript expression. The other delimiter is using quotes for strings, like this:
JSX attribute values must be delimited by either braces or quotes.
If type is important and we want to pass in something like a Number or a null, use braces.
If you’ve programmed with ES5 JavaScript before, you might be used to using var as opposed to const or let. See “Appendix B” for more on these new declarations.
Now the ProductList component is passing props down to Product. Our Product component isn’t using them yet, so let’s modify the component to use these props.
In React, a component can access all its props through the object this.props. Inside of Product, the this.props object will look like this:
"id": 1,
"title": "Yellow Pail",
"description": "On-demand sand castle construction expertise.",
"url": "#",
"votes": 41,
"submitterAvatarURL": "images/avatars/daniel.jpg",
"productImageUrl": "images/products/image-aqua.png"
Let’s swap out everywhere that we hard-coded data and use props instead. While we’re here, we’ll add a bit more markup like the description and the up-vote icon:
class Product extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className='item'>
<div className='image'>
<img src={this.props.productImageUrl} />
<div className='middle aligned content'>
<div className='header'>
<i className='large caret up icon' />
<div className='description'>
<a href={this.props.url}>
<div className='extra'>
<span>Submitted by:</span>
className='ui avatar image'
Again, everywhere inside of our JSX where we’re interpolating a variable we delimit the variable with braces ({}). Note that we’re inserting data both as text content inside of tags like this:
<div className='header'>
<i className='large caret up icon' />
As well as for attributes on HTML elements:
<img src={this.props.productImageUrl} />
Interweaving props with HTML elements in this way is how we create dynamic, data-driven React components.
this is a special keyword in JavaScript. The details about this are a bit nuanced, but for the purposes of the majority of this book, this will be
bound to the React component class. So, when we write this.props inside the component, we’re accessing the props property on the component.
When we diverge from this rule in later sections, we’ll point it out.
With our updated app.js file saved, let’s refresh the web browser again:
The ProductList component now shows a single product listed, the first object pulled from Seed.
We’re getting somewhere interesting. Our Product component is now data-driven. Based on the props it receives it can render any product that we’d like.
Our code is poised to have ProductList render any number of products. We just need to configure the component to render some number of Product components, one for each product we’d like to represent on the page.
Rendering multiple products
To render multiple products, first we’ll have ProductList generate an array of Product components. Each will be derived from an individual object in the Seed array. We’ll use map to do so:
class ProductList extends React.Component {
render() {
const productComponents = => (
key={'product-' +}
The function passed to map returns a Product component. This Product is created just as before with props pulled from the object in Seed.
We pass an arrow function to map. Arrow functions were introduced in ES6. For more info, see “Appendix B.”
As such, the productComponents variable ends up being an array of Product components:
// Our `productComponents` array
<Product id={1} ... />,
<Product id={2} ... />,
<Product id={3} ... />,
<Product id={4} ... />
Notably, we’re able to represent the Product component instance in JSX inside of return. It might seem odd at first that we’re able to have a JavaScript array of JSX elements, but remember that Babel will transpile the JSX representation of each Product () into regular JavaScript:
// What `productComponents` looks like in JavaScript
React.createElement(Product, { id: 1, ... }),
React.createElement(Product, { id: 2, ... }),
React.createElement(Product, { id: 3, ... }),
React.createElement(Product, { id: 4, ... })
Array’s map()
Array’s map method takes a function as an argument. It calls this function with each item inside of the array (in this case, each object inside Seed.products) and builds a new array by using the return value from each function call.\
Because the Seed.products array has four items, map will call this function four times, once for each item. When map calls this function, it passes in as the first argument an item. The return value from this function call is inserted into the new array that map is constructing. After handling the last item, map returns this new array. Here, we’re storing this new array in the variable productComponents.
Note the use of the key={‘product-‘ +} prop. React uses this special property to create unique bindings for each instance of the Product component. The key prop is not used by our Product component, but by the React framework. It’s a special property that we discuss deeper in the chapter “Advanced Component Configuration.” For the time being, it’s enough to note that this property needs to be unique per React component in a list.
Now, below the declaration of productComponents, we need to modify the return value of render. Before, we were rendering a single Product component. Now, we can render our array productComponents:
return (
<div className='ui unstackable items'>
Refreshing the page, we’ll see all four products from Seed listed:
We now have five total React components at work. We have a single parent component, ProductList. ProductList contains four child Product components, one for each product object in the Seed.products array in seed.js:
Product components inside of the ProductList component
At the moment, our products aren’t sorted by the number of votes they have. Let’s sort them. We’ll use Array’s sort method to do so. We’ll sort the products first before the line where we build our productComponents array:
class ProductList extends React.Component {
render() {
const products = Seed.products.sort((a, b) => (
b.votes - a.votes
const productComponents = => (
Refreshing the page, we’ll see our products are sorted.
sort() mutates the original array it was called on. While fine for now, elsewhere in the book we discuss why mutating arrays or objects can be a dangerous pattern.
In the markup for Product above, we added an ‘up-vote’ caret icon. If we click on one of these buttons, we’ll see that nothing happens. We’ve yet to hook up an event to the button.
Although we have a data-driven React app running in our web browser, this page still lacks interactivity. While React has given us an easy and clean way to organize our HTML thus far and enabled us to drive HTML generation based on a flexible, dynamic JavaScript object, we’ve still yet to tap into its true power: creating dynamic interfaces.
The rest of this book digs deep into this power. Let’s start with something simple: the ability to up-vote a given product.
Array’s sort() method takes an optional function as an argument. If the function is omitted, it will just sort the array by each item’s Unicode code point value. This is rarely what a programmer desires. If a function is supplied, elements are sorted according to the function’s return value.
On each iteration, the arguments a and b are two subsequent elements in the array. Sorting depends on the return value of the function:
- If the return value is less than 0, a should come first (have a lower index).
- If the return value is greater than 0, b should come first.
- If the return value is equal to 0, leave order of a and b unchanged with respect to each other.
React the vote (your app’s first interaction)
When the up-vote button on each one of the Product components is clicked, we expect it to update the votes attribute for that Product, increasing it by one.
But the Product component can’t modify its votes. this.props is immutable.
While the child can read its props, it can’t modify them. A child does not own its props. In our app, the parent component ProductList owns the props given to Product. React favors the idea of one-way data flow. This means that data changes come from the “top” of the app and are propagated “downwards” through its various components.
A child component does not own its props. Parent components own the props of child components.
We need a way for the Product component to let ProductList know that a click on its up-vote icon occurred. We can then have ProductList, the owner of the product’s data, update the vote count for that product. The updated data will then flow downward from the ProductList component to the Product component.
In JavaScript, if we treat an array or object as immutable it means we cannot or should not make modifications to it.
Propagating the event
We know that parents communicate data to children through props. Because props are immutable, children need some way to communicate events to parents. The parents could then make whatever data changes might be necessary.
We can pass down functions as props too. We can have the ProductList component give each Product component a function to call when the up-vote button is clicked. Functions passed down through props are the canonical manner in which children communicate events with their parent components.
Let’s see this in practice. We’ll start by having up-votes log a message to the console. Later, we’ll have up-votes increment the votes attribute on the target product. The function handleProductUpVote in ProductList will accept a single argument, productId. The function will log the product’s id to the console:
class ProductList extends React.Component {
handleProductUpVote(productId) {
console.log(productId + ' was upvoted.');
render() {
Next, we’ll pass this function down as a prop to each Product component. We’ll name the prop onVote:
const productComponents = => (
key={'product-' +}
We can now access this function inside Product via this.props.onVote.
Let’s write a function inside Product that calls this new prop-function. We’ll name the function handleUpVote():
// Inside `Product`
handleUpVote() {
We invoke the prop-function this.props.onVote with the id of the product. Now, we just need to call this function every time the user clicks the caret icon.
In React, we can use the special attribute onClick to handle mouse click events.
We’ll set the onClick attribute on the a HTML tag that is the up-vote button. We’ll instruct it to call handleUpVote() whenever it is clicked:
{/* Inside `render` for Product` */}
<div className='middle aligned content'>
<div className='header'>
<a onClick={this.handleUpVote}>
<i className='large caret up icon' />
When the user clicks the up-vote icon, it will trigger a chain of function calls:
- User clicks the up-vote icon.
- React invokes Product component’s handleUpVote.
- handleUpVote invokes its prop onVote. This function lives inside the parent ProductList and logs a message to the console.
There’s one last thing we need to do to make this work. Inside the function handleUpVote() we refer to this.props:
handleUpVote() {
Here’s the odd part: When working inside render(), we’ve witnessed that this is always bound to the component. But inside our custom component method handleUpVote(), this is actually null.
Binding custom component methods
In JavaScript, the special this variable has a different binding depending on the context. For instance, inside render() we say that this is “bound” to the component. Put another way, this “references” the component.
Understanding the binding of this is one of the trickiest parts of learning JavaScript programming. Given this, it’s fine for a beginner React programmer to not understand all the nuances at first.
In short, we want this inside handleUpVote() to reference the component, just like it does inside render(). But why does this inside render() reference the component while this inside handleUpVote() does not?
For the render() function, React binds this to the component for us. React specifies a default set of special API methods. render() is one such method. As we’ll see at the end of the chapter, componentDidMount() is another. For each of these special React methods, React will bind the this variable to the component automatically.
So, any time we define our own custom component methods, we have to manually bind this to the component ourselves. There’s a pattern that we use to do so.
Add the following constructor() function to the top of Product:
class Product extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleUpVote = this.handleUpVote.bind(this);
constructor() is a special function in a JavaScript class. JavaScript invokes constructor() whenever an object is created via a class. If you’ve never worked with an objectoriented language before, it’s sufficient to know that React invokes constructor() first thing when initializing our component. React invokes constructor() with the component’s props.
Because constructor() is called when initializing our component, we’ll use it for a couple different types of situations in the book. For our current purposes, it’s enough to know that whenever we want to bind custom component methods to a React component class, we can use this pattern:
class MyReactComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
super(props); // always call this first
// custom method bindings here
this.someFunction = this.someFunction.bind(this);
If you feel comfortable reading further details on this pattern, see the aside “Binding in constructor()”.
At the end of the chapter, we’ll use an experimental JavaScript feature that allows us to bypass this pattern. However, when working with regular ES7 JavaScript, it’s important to keep this pattern in mind:
When defining custom methods on our React component classes, we must perform the binding pattern inside constructor() so that this references our component.
Saving our updated app.js, refreshing our web browser, and clicking an up-vote will log some text to our JavaScript console:
The events are being propagated up to the parent!
ProductList is the owner of the product data. And Product is now informing its parent whenever a user up-votes a product. Our next task is to update the vote count on the product.
But where do we perform this update? At the moment, our app doesn’t have a place to store and manage data. Seed should be thought of as a seed of example data, not our app’s datastore.
What our app is currently missing is state.
In fact, while we might be tempted to update the vote count in Seed.products like this:
// Would this work?
Seed.products.forEach((product) => {
if ( === productId) {
product.votes = product.votes + 1;
Doing so wouldn’t work. When updating Seed, our React app would not be informed of the change. On the user interface there would be no indication that the vote count was incremented.
Binding in constructor()
The first thing we do in constructor() is call super(props). The React.Component class that our Product class is extending defines its own constructor(). By calling super(props), we’re invoking that constructor() function first.
Importantly, the constructor() function defined by React.Component will bind this inside our constructor() to the component. Because of this, it’s a good practice to always call super() first whenever you declare a constructor() for your component.
After calling super(), we call bind() on our custom component method:
this.handleUpVote = this.handleUpVote.bind(this);
Function’s bind() method allows you to specify what the this variable inside a function body should be set to. What we’re doing here is a common JavaScript pattern. We’re redefining the component method handleUpVote(), setting it to the same function but bound to this (the component). Now, whenever handleUpVote() executes, this will reference the component as opposed to null.
Does this bind() pattern feel a little weird? It turns out, you don’t have to
do it when you use “functional” components. Perhaps you’ve heard of React
Hooks. This bind() pattern is unnecessary with functional components and
That said, we haven’t talked much about functional components or Hooks and they introduce their own type of complexity. For now, using class components is, overall, easier to learn and use – so that’s what we’ll do here.
Using state
Whereas props are immutable and owned by a component’s parent, state is owned by the component. this.state is private to the component and as we’ll see can be updated with this.setState().
Critically, when the state or props of a component update, the component will re-render itself.
Every React component is rendered as a function of its “props” and “state”. This rendering is deterministic. This means that given a set of props and a set of state, a React component will always render a single way. As we mentioned at the beginning of the chapter, this approach makes for a powerful UI consistency guarantee.
Because we are mutating the data for our products (the number of votes), we should consider this data to be stateful. ProductList will be the owner of this state. It will then pass this state down as props to Product.
At the moment, ProductList is reading directly from Seed inside render() to grab the products. Let’s move this data into the component’s state.
When adding state to a component, the first thing we do is define what the initial state should look like. Because constructor() is called when initializing our component, it’s the best place to define our initial state.
In React components, state is an object. The shape of our ProductList state object will look like this:
// Shape of the `ProductList` state object
products: <Array>,
We’ll initialize our state to an object with an empty products array. Add this constructor() to ProductList:
class ProductList extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
products: [],
Like with our constructor() call in Product, the first line in constructor() is the super(props) call. The first line in any constructor() functions we write for React components will always be this same line.
Technically, because we don’t supply ProductList any props, we don’t need to propagate the props argument to super(). But it’s a good habit to get into and helps avoid odd bugs in the future.
Next, with our state initialized, let’s modify the ProductList component’s render function so that it uses state as opposed to reading from Seed. We read the state with this.state:
render() {
const products = this.state.products.sort((a, b) => (
b.votes - a.votes
Calling .sort() on this.state.products will technically mutate that array, which is generally considered bad practice. We’re cutting a slight corner just to make the example clearer. A better (but longer) way to do this would be to copy this array when sorting - which we’re going to talk about below (so don’t worry too much about it now).
ProductList is driven by its own state now. If we were to save and refresh now, all our products would be missing. We don’t have any mechanisms in ProductList that add products to its state.
Setting state with this.setState()
It’s good practice to initialize components with “empty” state as we’ve done here. We explore the reasoning behind this when working asynchronously with servers in the chapter “Components & Servers.”
However, after our component is initialized, we want to seed the state for ProductList with the data in Seed.
React specifies a set of lifecycle methods. React invokes one lifecycle method, componentDidMount(), after our component has mounted to the page. We’ll seed the state for ProductList inside this method.
We explore the rest of the lifecycle methods in the chapter “Advanced Component Configuration.”
Knowing this, we might be tempted to set the state to Seed.products inside componentDidMount() like this:
class ProductList extends React.Component {
// ...
// Is this valid ?
componentDidMount() {
this.state = Seed.products;
// ...
However, this is invalid. The only time we can modify the state in this manner is in constructor(). For all state modifications after the initial state, React provides components the method this.setState(). Among other things, this method triggers the React component to re-render which is essential after the state changes.
Never modify state outside of this.setState(). This function has important hooks around state modification that we would be bypassing.
We discuss state management in detail throughout the book.
Add componentDidMount() to ProductList now. We’ll use setState() to seed the component’s state:
class ProductList extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
products: [],
componentDidMount() {
this.setState({ products: Seed.products });
The component will mount with an empty state this.state.products array. After mounting, we populate the state with data from Seed. The component will re-render and our products will be displayed. This happens at a speed that is imperceptible to the user.
If we save and refresh now, we see that the products are back.
Updating state and immutability
Now that ProductList is managing the products in state, we’re poised to make modifications to this data in response to user input. Specifically, we want to increment the votes property on a product when the user votes for it.
We just discussed that we can only make state modifications using this.setState(). So while a component can update its state, we should treat the this.state object as immutable.
As touched on earlier, if we treat an array or object as immutable we never make modifications to it. For example, let’s say we have an array of numbers in state:
this.setState({ nums: [ 1, 2, 3 ]});
If we want to update the state’s nums array to include a 4, we might be tempted to use push() like this:
this.setState({ nums: (this.state.nums.push(4), this.state.nums) });
On the surface, it might appear as though we’ve treated this.state as immutable. However, the push() method modifies the original array:
// [ 1, 2, 3 ]
// 4 <-- the length of the array
// [ 1, 2, 3, 4] <-- Uh-oh!
Although we invoke this.setState() immediately after we push 4 onto the array, we’re still modifying this.state outside of setState() and this is bad practice.
Part of the reason this is bad practice is because setState() is actually asynchronous. There is no guarantee when React will update the state and re-render our component. We touch on this in the “Advanced Component Configuration” chapter.
So, while we eventually called this.setState(), we unintentionally modified the state before that.
This next approach doesn’t work either:
const nextNums = this.state.nums;
// [ 1, 2, 3, 4]
// [ 1, 2, 3, 4] <-- Nope!
Our new variable nextNums references the same array as this.state.nums in memory:
Both variables reference the same array in memory
So when we modify the array with push(), we’re modifying the same array that this.state.nums is pointing to.
Instead, we can use Array’s concat(). concat() creates a new array that contains the elements of the array it was called on followed by the elements passed in as arguments.
With concat(), we can avoid mutating state:
// [ 1, 2, 3 ]
const nextNums = this.state.nums.concat(4);
// [ 1, 2, 3, 4]
// [ 1, 2, 3 ] <-- Unmodified!
We touch on immutability throughout the book. While you might be able to “get away” with mutating the state in many situations, it’s better practice to treat state as immutable.
Treat the state object as immutable. It’s important to understand which Array and Object methods modify the objects they are called on.
If an array is passed in as an argument to concat(), its elements are appended to the new array. For example:
> [ 1, 2, 3 ].concat([ 4, 5 ]);
=> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
Knowing that we want to treat the state as immutable, the following approach to handling up-votes would be problematic:
// Inside `ProductList`
// Invalid
handleProductUpVote(productId) {
const products = this.state.products;
products.forEach((product) => {
if ( === productId) {
product.votes = product.votes + 1;
products: products,
When we initialize products to this.state.products, products references the same array in memory as this.state.products:
Both variables reference the same array in memory
So, when we modify a product object by incrementing its vote count inside forEach(), we’re modifying the original product object in state.
Instead, we should create a new array of products. And if we modify one of the product objects, we should modify a clone of the object as opposed to the originalone.
Let’s see what a handleProductUpVote() implementation looks like that treats state as immutable. We’ll see it in full then break it down:
// Inside `ProductList`
handleProductUpVote(productId) {
const nextProducts = => {
if ( === productId) {
return Object.assign({}, product, {
votes: product.votes + 1,
} else {
return product;
products: nextProducts,
First, we use map() to traverse the products array. Importantly, map() returns a new array as opposed to modifying the array this.state.products.
Next, we check if the current product matches productId. If it does, we create a new object, copying over the properties from the original product object. We then overwrite the votes property on our new product object. We set it to the incremented vote count. We do this using Object’s assign() method:
if ( === productId) {
return Object.assign({}, product, {
votes: product.votes + 1,
We use Object.assign() a lot for avoiding mutating objects. For more details on the method, check out “Appendix B.”
If the current product is not the one specified by productId, we return it unmodified:
} else {
return product;
Finally, we use setState() to update the state.
map() is creating a new array. So you might ask: Why can’t we modify the product object directly? Like this:
if ( === productId) {
product.votes = product.votes + 1;
While we’re creating a new array, the variable product here still references the product object sitting on the original array in state. Therefore, if we make changes to it we’ll be modifying the object in state. So we use Object.assign() to clone the original into a new object and then modify the votes property on that new object.
Our state update for up-votes is in place. There’s one last thing we have to do: Our custom component method handleProductUpVote() is now referencing this. We need to add a bind() call like the one we have for handleUpVote() in Product:
class ProductList extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
products: [],
this.handleProductUpVote = this.handleProductUpVote.bind(this);
Now this in handleProductUpVote() references our component.
Our app should finally be responsive to user interaction. Save app.js, refresh the browser, and cross your fingers:
At last, the vote counters are working! Try up-voting a product a bunch of times and notice how it immediately jumps above products with lower vote counts.
Refactoring with the Babel plugin
In this last section, we’ll explore a possible refactor that we can make to our class components using an experimental JavaScript feature. For reasons you’ll soon see, this feature is popular among React developers. Because the community is still adopting this feature, we expose you to both class component styles throughout the book.
We’re able to access this feature using Babel’s library of plugins and presets.
Babel plugins and presets
We’ve been using Babel in this project to give us the ability to write modern JavaScript that will run in a majority of browsers on the web. Specifically, our code has been using Babel to convert ES6 syntax and JSX into vanilla ES5 JavaScript.
There’s a few ways to integrate Babel into your project. We’ve been using babel-standalone which allows us to setup Babel quickly for use directly in the browser.
babel-standalone by default uses two presets. In Babel, a preset is a set of plugins used to support particular language features. The two presets Babel has been using by default:
- es2015²⁷: Adds support for ES2015 (or ES6) JavaScript
- react²⁸: Adds support for JSX
Remember: ES2015 is just another name used for ES6. We let Babel use the default es2015 preset for this project because we don’t need or use either of ES7’s two new features.
JavaScript is an ever-changing language. At its current pace, new syntax will be ratified for adoption on a yearly basis.
Because JavaScript will continue to evolve, tools like Babel are here to stay. Developers want to take advantage of the latest language features. But it takes time for browsers to update their JavaScript engines. And it takes even more time for the majority of the public to upgrade their browsers to the latest versions. Babel closes this gap. It enables a codebase to evolve along with JavaScript without leaving older browsers behind.
Beyond ES7, proposed JavaScript features can exist in various stages. A feature can be an experimental proposal, one that the community is still working out the details for (“stage 1”). Experimental proposals are at risk of being dropped or modified at any time. Or a feature might already be “ratified,” which means it will be included in the next release of JavaScript (“stage 4”).
We can customize Babel with presets and plugins to take advantage of these upcoming or experimental features.
In this book, we generally avoid features that are experimental. However, there is one feature that looks to be ratified that we make an exception for: property initializers.
We avoid features that are experimental because we don’t want to teach features that might be modified or dropped. For your own projects, it’s up to you and your team to decide how “strict” you want to be about the JavaScript features that you use.
If you’d like to read more about the various Babel presets and plugins, check out the docs²⁹.
Property initializers
Property initializers are detailed in the proposal “ES Class Fields & Static Properties³⁰.” While an experimental feature that has yet to be ratified, property initializers offer a compelling syntax that greatly simplify React class components. This feature works so well with React that the Facebook team has written about using it internally³¹.
Property initializers are available in the Babel plugin transform-class-properties. Recall that we specified this plugin for app.js inside index.html:
Therefore, we’re ready to use this feature in our code. The best way to understand what this feature gives us is to see it in action.
Refactoring Product
Inside Product, we defined the custom component method handleUpVote. As we discussed, because handleUpVote is not part of the standard React component API, React does not bind this inside the method to our component. So we had to perform a manual binding trick inside constructor:
class Product extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleUpVote = this.handleUpVote.bind(this);
handleUpVote() {
render() {
With the transform-class-properties plugin, we can write handleUpVote as an arrow function. This will ensure this inside the function is bound to the component, as expected:
class Product extends React.Component {
handleUpVote = () => (
render() {
Using this feature, we can drop constructor(). There is no need for the manual binding call.
Note that methods that are part of the standard React API, like render(), will remain as class methods. If we write a custom component method in which we want this bound to the component, we write it as an arrow function.
Refactoring ProductList
We can give the same treatment to handleProductUpVote inside ProductList. In addition, property initializers give us an alternative way to define the initial state of a component.
Before, we used constructor() in ProductList to both bind handleProductUpVote to the component and define the component’s initial state:
class ProductList extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
products: [],
this.handleProductUpVote = this.handleProductUpVote.bind(this);
With property initializers, we no longer need to use constructor. Instead, we can define the initial state like this:
And, if we define handleProductUpVote as an arrow function, this will be bound to the component as desired:
handleProductUpVote = (productId) => {
const nextProducts = => {
if ( === productId) {
return Object.assign({}, product, {
votes: product.votes + 1,
} else {
return product;
products: nextProducts,
In sum, we can use property initializers to make two refactors to our React components:
- We can use arrow functions for custom component methods (and avoid having
to bind this) - We can define the initial state outside of constructor()
We expose you to both approaches in this book as both are in widespread use. Each project will be consistent as to whether or not it uses transform-class-properties. You’re welcome to continue to use vanilla ES6 in your own projects. However, the terseness afforded by transform-class-properties is often too attractive to pass up.
Using ES6/ES7 with additional presets or plugins is sometimes referred to by the community as “ES6+/ES7+.”
We just wrote our first React app. There are a ton of powerful features we’ve yet to go over, yet all of them build upon the core fundamentals we just covered:
- We think about and organize our React apps as components
- Using JSX inside the render method
- Data flows from parent to children through props
- Event flows from children to parent through functions
- Utilizing React lifecycle methods
- Stateful components and how state is different from props
- How to manipulate state while treating it as immutable