
By SS Gayatree Devi Uncategorized
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What is Python

Python is a widely-used, high-level programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and versatility, favored in various domains including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more.

Why Python with theSLI

Enrolling in SLI’s Python course offers placement aid, industry expert Faculty, and interactive sessions to transform knowledge into practical skills.

What Will You Learn?

  • Overall, learning Python equips you with a valuable skill set that can open up numerous career opportunities and enable you to tackle a wide range of projects and challenges in the technology industry and beyond.

Course Content

Python is an easy language to lean and that Python is also a simple language. In addition the Python environment, its eco system, the range of libraries available.

Introduction to Computer Graphics
The term goes back to a time when many (most) computers were purely textual in terms of their input and output and very few computers could generate graphical displays let alone handle input via such a display. However, in terms of this book we take the term Computer Graphics to include the creation of Graphical User Interfaces (or GUIs).

Python Turtle Graphics
Python is very well supported in terms of graphics libraries. One of the most widely used graphics libraries is the Turtle Graphics library introduced in this chapter.

Computer Generated Art
Computer Art is defined as any art that uses a computer.

Introduction to Matplotlib
Matplotlib is a Python graphing and plotting library that can generate a variety of different types of graph or chart in a variety of different formats.

Graphing with Matplotlib pyplot
In this chapter we will explore the Matplotlib pyplot API. This is the most common way in which developers generate different types of graphs or plots using Matplotlib.

Graphical User Interfaces
A Graphical User Interface can capture the essence of an idea or a situation, often avoiding the need for a long passage of text.

The wxPython GUI Library
The wxPython library is a cross platform GUI library (or toolkit) for Python.

Events in wxPython User Interfaces
Events are an integral part of any GUI; they represent user interactions with the interface such as clicking on a button, entering text into a field, selecting a menu option etc.

PyDraw wxPython Example Application
This chapter builds on the GUI library presented in the last two chapters to illustrate how a larger application can be built. It presents a case study of a drawing tool akin to a tool such as Visio etc.

Introduction to Games Programming
Games programming is performed by developers/coders who implement the logic that drives a game.

Building Games with pygame
pygame is a cross-platform, free and Open Source Python library designed to make building multimedia applications such as games easy.

StarshipMeteors pygame
In this chapter we will create a game in which you pilot a starship through a field of meteors. The longer you play the game the larger the number of meteors you will encounter.

Introduction to Testing
This chapter considers the different types of tests that you might want to perform with the systems you develop in Python. It also introduces Test Driven Development.

PyTest Testing Framework
There are several testing frameworks available for Python, although only one, unit test comes as part of the typical Python installation. Typical libraries include Unit test and PyTest.

Mocking for Testing
Testing software systems is not an easy thing to do; the functions, objects, methods etc.

Introduction to Files, Paths and IO
In this chapter we will discuss more about the Files, Paths and IO

Reading and Writing Files
This chapter introduces you to the core file IO functionality in Python.

Stream IO
In this chapter we will explore the Stream I/O model that under pins the way in which data is read from and written to data sources and sinks. One example of a data source or sink is a file but another might be a byte array.

Working with CSV Files
This chapter introduces a module that supports the generation of CSV (or Comma Separated Values) files.

Working with Excel Files
This chapter introduces the openpyxl module that can be used when working with Excel files.

Regular Expressions in Python
This chapter introduces regular expressions, discusses the syntax used to define a regular expression pattern and presents the Python re module and its use.

Introduction to Databases
This chapter focusses on Relational Databases as typified by database systems such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL. The database we will use in this book is MySQL.

Python DB-API
The standard for accessing a database in Python is the Python DB-API.

PyMySQL Module
The PyMySQL module provides access to a MySQL database from Python.

Introduction to Logging
This chapter discusses why you should add logging to your programs, what you should (and should not) log and why just using the print() function is not sufficient.

Logging in Python
The logging module, defines functions and classes which implement a flexible logging framework that can be used in any Python application/script or in Python libraries/modules.

Advanced Logging
In this chapter we go further into the configuration and modification of the Python logging module.

Introduction to Concurrency and Parallelism
In this chapter we will introduce the concepts of concurrency and parallelism.

This chapter presents the threading module and uses a short example to illustrate how these features can be used.

The multiprocessing library supports the generation of separate processes to execute behavior using an API that is similar to the Threading API presented in the last chapter.

Inter Thread/Process Synchronization
In this chapter we will look at several facilities supported by both the threading and multiprocessing libraries.

A future is a thread (or process) that promises to return a value in the future; once the associated behavior has completed.

Concurrency with AsyncIO
In this chapter we first discuss Asynchronous IO before introducing the async and await keywords.

Reactive Programming Introduction
In this chapter we will introduce the concept of Reactive Programming.

RxPy Observables, Observers and Subjects
In this chapter we will discuss Observables, Observers and Subjects. We also consider how observers may or may not run concurrently.

RxPy Operators
In this chapter we will look at the types of operators provided by RxPy that can be applied to the data emitted by an Observable.

Introduction to Sockets and Web Services
In this chapter we will explore socket based and web service approaches to inter process communications.

Sockets in Python
In this chapter we will introduce the basic idea of socket communications and then presents a simple socket server and client application.

Web Services in Python
This chapter looks at RESTful web services as implemented using the Flask framework.

Bookshop Web Service
In this chapter we will implement the set of web services.

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