FullStack React.Js

By SS Gayatree Devi Uncategorized
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React.js is a powerful JavaScript library that enables developers to build interactive user interfaces with ease. By employing a component-based architecture and a virtual DOM, React efficiently updates and renders UI elements, resulting in high-performance web applications. Its declarative nature simplifies the process of managing UI state and enables seamless integration with other libraries and frameworks. React’s popularity stems from its ability to enhance developer productivity and facilitate the creation of modern, responsive, and scalable web applications.

What Will You Learn?

  • a strong foundation in building dynamic user interfaces for web applications. Additionally, you'll likely develop skills in: Component-Based Architecture & other topics about React.Js

Course Content

Your first React Web Application
In this chapter, you’re going to get a crash course on React by building a simple voting application inspired by Product Hunt.

In the last chapter, we described how React organizes apps into components and how data flows between parent and child components.

Components & Servers
In the last chapter, we used a methodology to construct a React app. State management of timers takes place in the top-level component TimersDashboard.

JSX and the Virtual DOM
React works differently than many earlier front-end JavaScript frameworks in that instead of working with the browser’s DOM, it builds a virtual representation of the DOM.

Advanced Component Configuration with props, state, and children
In this chapter we’re going to dig deep into the configuration of components.

Forms are one of the most crucial parts of our applications. While we get some interaction through clicks and mouse moves, it’s really through forms where we’ll get the majority of our rich input from our users.

Using Webpack with Create React App
Loading React with script tags directly in the index.html file is a common approach, especially in smaller projects or when not using build tools like webpack or create-react-app. This method involves including the React library and optionally React DOM directly from a CDN

Unit Testing
A robust test suite is a vital constituent of quality software.

We will learn how to the process of defining navigation paths within a single-page application (SPA).

Intro to Flux and Redux
In this chapter we will focus on introduction about Flux and Redux

Intermediate Redux
In this chapter, we build on these concepts by adding additional features to our chat application. Our chat app will begin to look like a real-world messaging interface.

Using Presentational and Container Components with Redux
In the last chapter, we added complexity to both the state as well as the view-layer of our application.

Using GraphQL
In this chapter, we’re going to explore GraphQL, which is a specific API protocol developed by Facebook that is a natural fit in the React ecosystem.

GraphQL Server
In this chapter, we’re going to write a backend GraphQL server with NodeJS and other technologies we’ve used in earlier chapters.

Relay Classic
The chapter below will help with the mental model of using Relay Modern, some of the APIs have changed.

React Native
In this chapter, we’re going to walk through how to build your first React Native app.

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