About Course
What is MariaDB
MariaDB is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is a fork of MySQL, created by the original developers of MySQL after concerns arose over its acquisition by Oracle Corporation. It is developed and maintained by the MariaDB Foundation, and it’s designed for high performance, scalability, and reliability. MariaDB retains compatibility with MySQL, making it an attractive option for those already familiar with MySQL but seeking alternatives. It’s widely used in web development, especially in scenarios where open-source solutions are preferred.
Enrolling in the MariaDB course at SLI equips you with essential database management skills, enhancing your ability to efficiently handle data storage, retrieval, and manipulation. Gain hands-on experience with advanced features of MariaDB, boosting your proficiency and productivity from industry expert Faculty. Earn a recognized certification to enhance your resume and career prospects in database administration and development.