About Course
Hardware & Networking
Hardware & Networking are essential components of IT infrastructure, with hardware representing the physical devices and networking focusing on the communication and connectivity between these devices. Learning about hardware & networking involves gaining knowledge and skills related to the configuration, maintenance, troubleshooting, and optimization of computer systems and networks.
Course Content
Introduction to Computer Networking and Hardware Concepts
WebLan-Designer: A Web-Based Tool to Enhance Teaching and Learning Wired and Wireless LAN Design
INetwork: An Interactive Learning Tool for Communication Networks
Effectively Using a Network Simulation Tool to Enhance Students’ Understanding of Computer Networking Concepts
Teaching Protocols through Animation
Enhancing Student Understanding of Packet-Forwarding Theories and Concepts with Low-Cost Laboratory Activities
Ethereal: A Tool for Making the Abstract Protocol a Concrete Reality
Enhancing Teaching and Learning Wireless Communication Networks Using Wireless Projects
Teaching and Learning Wi-Fi Networking Fundamentals Using Limited Resources
Information Security Risk Analysis: A Pedagogic Model Based on a Teaching Hospital
A Practical Introduction to Input and Output Ports
Enhancing Teaching and Learning Computer Hardware Fundamentals Using PIC-Based Projects
Assistant Tool for Instructors Teaching Computer Hardware with the PBL Theory
A Simulator for High-Performance Processors
A Remotely Accessible Embedded Systems Laboratory
LOGIC-Minimiser: A Software Tool to Enhance Teaching and Learning Minimization of Boolean Expressions
A Practical Introduction to Serial Protocols
VMware as a Practical Learning Tool
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